【急】求高手翻译几个英文句子!要科学专业!拒绝机器翻译!如果回答得好!保证会另外补加悬赏分!各别单词已有解释! 1, The compound eye of the Japanese yellow swallowtail butterfly is a collection of three types

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 23:25:36

【急】求高手翻译几个英文句子!要科学专业!拒绝机器翻译!如果回答得好!保证会另外补加悬赏分!各别单词已有解释! 1, The compound eye of the Japanese yellow swallowtail butterfly is a collection of three types

1, The compound eye of the Japanese yellow swallowtail butterfly is a collection of three types of ommatidia (type I–III), each housing nine spectrally heterogeneous photoreceptors (R1–R9)

ommatidia---小眼;spectrally---光谱的;heterogeneous---异质的 ;photoreceptors---光感受器
①spectrally heterogeneous photoreceptors是什么?
②最后的 in one of three fixed combinations实在是不会翻译

2, We have already found that photoreceptor terminals are reciprocally connected in the lamina and that the pattern of connections is ommatidium type specific.

reciprocally:adv. 相互地;相反地;

这句话我看的思维有些混乱;完全不懂ommatidium type specific是什么意思

3. In the present study, we injected the tracer Neurobiotin into the lamina synaptic layer, and identified centrifugal neurons innervating the lamina as well as terminals of long visual fibers and lamina monopolar cells in the medulla.

Neurobiotin---显微注射神经生物素;synaptic---adj. 突触的
centrifugal neuron----我也不知道


【急】求高手翻译几个英文句子!要科学专业!拒绝机器翻译!如果回答得好!保证会另外补加悬赏分!各别单词已有解释! 1, The compound eye of the Japanese yellow swallowtail butterfly is a collection of three types
1、The compound eye of the Japanese yellow swallowtail butterfly is a collection of three types of ommatidia (type I–III), each housing nine spectrally heterogeneous photoreceptors (R1–R9)
2, We have already found that photoreceptor terminals are reciprocally connected in the lamina and that the pattern of connections is ommatidium type specific.
3. In the present study, we injected the tracer Neurobiotin into the lamina synaptic layer, and identified centrifugal neurons innervating the lamina as well as terminals of long visual fibers and lamina monopolar cells in the medulla.
centrifugal neuron 传出神经元/输出神经元


【急】求高手翻译几个英文句子!要科学专业!拒绝机器翻译!如果回答得好!保证会另外补加悬赏分!各别单词已有解释! 1, The compound eye of the Japanese yellow swallowtail butterfly is a collection of three types 【急】求英语高手解释几个英文句子!要科学专业!拒绝机器翻译!我也大致翻译一些.但是正确率不高,请指正!1,A species can be defined as a set of organisms thatshare a gene pool and breed with each other.物种可以 急求汉语翻译英文句子: 求希伯来文翻译一个英文句子,纹身用,急we belong together and never separate off求高手翻译,纹身用,请不要乱作答,谢谢是要将这句英文翻译成希伯来文,不是要翻译成中文 - - 求【生物专业】的高手翻译英文句子!Although generalizations in biology usually lack the theoretical underpinnings found in physics, there are very clear commonalities among living systems that give biology a unity. One is the style of c 英语翻译有哪位高手帮我翻译下,客户要英文板的,这几个化学成分不会翻译下,书到用时方恨少,读书少作难呀,急. 朱镕基新书出版录影带的英文字幕 求高手翻译翻译成英文句子 这几个句子如何改 求高手 急求高手翻译,将下面这段文字翻译成英文,谢谢!希望不是用翻译工具翻译的,求专业人士给予帮助,谢谢!约定承诺我现与Tamer先生约定从2011年12月15日起与Tamer先生所合作的一切事项,都以Tamer先 求英文高手 解读这几个词 求翻译几个法语句子. 求翻译几个法语句子. 求针织面料高手帮我翻译两个面料的英文解释一共有两个 : 棉氨汗布和人面氨纶汗布错了是人棉氨纶汗布 最好专业一点的 英文翻译问题,会英文的进来.高手帮帮忙翻译几个英文,Sort Ascending Sort Descending Alignment Align Left Align Center Align Rignt 高手帮帮忙,在线等急 谢谢 求这段英文的翻译 求高手 - - 急 死鸟0. 0 求大侠帮我翻译几个句子为英文.中国?发布的时间要比美国晚多少天? 摘要翻译,求高手翻译成英文? 有生之年,英文怎么翻译,跪求高手!