
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 14:19:30


he can often witness the gory bar fight,thus he is pretty curious about one thing and that is which one is safer,to hit the head with an empty bottle or one fulfilled with water?after countless experiments,he's got a very brutal conclusion that you can crack the skull with both.yet the one full of liquor is kind of safer.

As he often witnessed violence in bar, he had always been interested in one thing that weather it is comparatively safer to hit one's head with the bottle full of water instead of the empty bottle ...


As he often witnessed violence in bar, he had always been interested in one thing that weather it is comparatively safer to hit one's head with the bottle full of water instead of the empty bottle ? After innumerable trials,he made a strong conclusion that both can break one's bones, but it will be a little safer with the bottle full of wine.
亲自翻译的哦 亲!! 有什么问题 可以问我O(∩_∩)O哈!


He often witnessed violence in bar fights, so he has been for one thing interested, that is the empty bottle head relatively safe or filled with water bottle head is comparatively safe? He passed thro...


He often witnessed violence in bar fights, so he has been for one thing interested, that is the empty bottle head relatively safe or filled with water bottle head is comparatively safe? He passed through innumerable trials concluded that a strong conclusion both can break bones, but full of wine safety point.度娘说的


英语翻译他经常在酒吧目睹暴力斗殴,所以他一直对一件事很感兴趣,那就是是用空酒瓶打头部比较安全还是用装满水的酒瓶打头部比较安全?他经过无数次试验得出了一个强悍的结论两者都可 英语翻译他经常在酒吧目睹暴力斗殴,所以他一直对一件事很感兴趣,那就是是用空酒瓶打头部比较安全还是用装满水的酒瓶打头部比较安全?他经过无数次试验得出了一个强悍的结论两者都可 他在斗殴中被打得遍体鳞伤 用英语怎么说? 英语翻译:“他经常出差.” 英语翻译整句的翻译书上是这么说的“在酒吧昏暗的光线里,他还是看不清她的眼神”所以不知道out有什么意思,从句子的翻译看不出来有什么意思 梦想永远在路上阅读答案 他70岁的理想是什么?1933年,他出生在美国芝加哥的黑人贫民窟.二战期间,芝加哥经济萧条,黑帮林立,街上每天都有斗殴和抢劫事件发生.他厌恶这一切,经常会对着天空 他经常忘记洗脚,英语翻译 文章为什么以梦想永远在路上为题1933年他出生在美国芝加哥的黑人贫民窟.二战期间,芝加哥经济萧条,黑帮林立,街上每天都有流氓在斗殴和抢劫.他厌恶这一切,经常呆坐着,看天空上往返穿梭 英语翻译翻译:我们经常在电视上看到他 他经常在这个湖里划船 英语翻译 梦想永远在路上阅读答案1933年,他出生在美国芝加哥的黑人贫民窟.二战期间,芝加哥经济萧条,黑帮林立,街上每天都有斗殴和抢劫事件发生.他厌恶这一切,经常会对着天空中往返穿梭的飞机发 2句汉译英他被禁止行医他在旧金山的一个酒吧喝酒 翻译 警察趁罪犯不备,当他在酒吧喝酒时逮捕了他(catch arrest) 英语翻译1:他经常在做饭的时候唱歌2:“他喜欢打麻将,周末的时候他喜欢户外运动” 他经常写信给我,英语翻译. “他经常在下班后读书”英语翻译 他爸爸经常步行去上班 英语翻译 英语翻译他经常去看京剧