2010年1月SAT两道语法题section 6, 第2题The chair of the school board announced a plan to build two new elementary schools during an interview with a local news reporter.这跟正确选项E:During an interview with a local news reporter,the

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 14:13:12

2010年1月SAT两道语法题section 6, 第2题The chair of the school board announced a plan to build two new elementary schools during an interview with a local news reporter.这跟正确选项E:During an interview with a local news reporter,the
section 6, 第2题
The chair of the school board announced a plan to build two new elementary schools during an interview with a local news reporter.
这跟正确选项E:During an interview with a local news reporter,the chair of the school board announced a plan to build two new elementary schools .没啥区别啊,during引导的时间状语可以放句尾的不是?
section 6, 第24题
The people sitting behind me in the movie theatre were talking throughout the film and would not keep their voice down even after being asked to do so. No error.
这句话里的keep their voice down怎么就错了呢?翻遍了字典也不明白啊?请各位大侠帮帮忙,解答下我的困惑啊~~~~

2010年1月SAT两道语法题section 6, 第2题The chair of the school board announced a plan to build two new elementary schools during an interview with a local news reporter.这跟正确选项E:During an interview with a local news reporter,the
section 6 第二题,
有区别啊,如果把during an interview with a local news reporter直接放在school后面,而不加逗号隔开的话,那么during这个时间状语修饰的就是动词build.
如果把during an interview with a local news reporter用逗号隔开放在主句前、后(其实during在有都还隔开的情况下,放弃暗访后都一样),那么during就修饰的是主句谓语动词announced.
SECTION 6 24题:
我也觉得keep their voice down没错,不知道怎么回事了=.

第二题应该是逻辑问题,因为在剧院里仅仅keep their voice down是不够的,应该是keep quiet吧~公共场所应该是shut up的,放低声音应该也不行的~~