一道SAT语法题In Germany,foresters discovered that trees killed by acid rain had begun to die four years (earlier,even though the trees had shown no signs of disease then)B.ealier,but not showing any signs of disease thenC.ealier without any sign

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 10:41:41

一道SAT语法题In Germany,foresters discovered that trees killed by acid rain had begun to die four years (earlier,even though the trees had shown no signs of disease then)B.ealier,but not showing any signs of disease thenC.ealier without any sign
In Germany,foresters discovered that trees killed by acid rain had begun to die four years (earlier,even though the trees had shown no signs of disease then)
B.ealier,but not showing any signs of disease then
C.ealier without any signs of disease shown then

一道SAT语法题In Germany,foresters discovered that trees killed by acid rain had begun to die four years (earlier,even though the trees had shown no signs of disease then)B.ealier,but not showing any signs of disease thenC.ealier without any sign
这道题其实不用考虑的太多,楼主注意时态就ok了 因为这句话大概意思就是,在德国,科学家发现四年前被酸雨淋过的树木都死了,尽管在那时那些树木并没有显示任何的征兆.所以,这道题不用考虑太多,树木显示征兆 一定是发生在树木死亡之前的.所以从时态来讲,第一项选择是对的.
晓篱 敬上

没有为什么,就是A最通最make sense,B和C都不是地道的英文,没有人这样说话,而且意思不清楚,语法也有问题(b。but后面不是一句话; C。如果说without showing any signs of disease then, 就不错了)

A是even though (尽管,即使)


A是even though (尽管,即使)


因为第一句用了一个由even though 引导的让步状语从句,使句子的意思表达得更加完善,后面两个选项在正确的情况下感觉很平实。

一道SAT语法题,谢谢啦!In Germany,foresters discovered that trees killed by acid rian had begun to die four years (earlier without any signs of disease shown then.)请问括号里的为什么错了? 一道SAT OC 语法题> 一道sat的语法题,解释 一道sat上的语法题 一道SAT语法题In Germany,foresters discovered that trees killed by acid rain had begun to die four years (earlier,even though the trees had shown no signs of disease then)B.ealier,but not showing any signs of disease thenC.ealier without any sign 2道sat 语法题1.with the louisiana purchase,the united states acquired a larger (territory in area than if you combined britain,france,italy,germany,spain and portugal)territory larger in area than britain,france,italy,germany spain and portugal c 一道SAT语法题.B选项怎么改? sat语法题ip 【SAT语法】一道SAT的IE语法题(Centuries ago), the Greek physician Hippocrates (advocated) collecting data (from) patients in order (to be drawing) conclusionand diagnose diseases. (No error.)Q:错误的应该是哪一个?是(from)还是(to 一道sat语法为什么错了 SAT 07年10月一道语法题As a adult, male golden silk spider live not in webs, 为什么live not可以算是对的? 三道OG上的SAT语法题In Germany,foresters discovered that trees killed by acid rain had begun to die four years (earlier,even though the trees had shown no signs of disease them)n.D earlier without any signs of disease shown then这个题答案 sat OG语法一题In Germany,foresters discovered that trees killed by acid rain had begun to die four years earlier,even though the trees had shown no signs of disease then.AB earlier,but not showing any signs of disease thenC earlier,no outward sig SAT语法几道语法题 SAT语法句子改善题 一道SAT 的题 一道SAT 的题 这是一道sat语法题,想请问为什么不选A?