请英语达人来点评一下这篇作文,这是一篇高中生作文,要纠正一下语法或拼写错误,并写出需要改进的地方Dear Sir and Madam :My name is Li Hua,I am a student of your school summer camp ,My aim to write this letter is

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 05:27:13

请英语达人来点评一下这篇作文,这是一篇高中生作文,要纠正一下语法或拼写错误,并写出需要改进的地方Dear Sir and Madam :My name is Li Hua,I am a student of your school summer camp ,My aim to write this letter is
Dear Sir and Madam :
My name is Li Hua,I am a student of your school summer camp ,My aim to write this letter is that I want to make an appointment with the learning center .The reason are as follow .
First ,As a Chinese ,We have the different cooking style ,It appears to the Chinese ,We should
eat hot food and soup .but in England .I only eat bread .because the food is so cold Second I hope you can give me an accurate account of How to use the library computer .There is a confusing for me.
The Monday afternoon and Friday is suitable for me to meet you for another ,if you are OK,
Please call me :****.
Looking forward to your reply!
Li Hua

请英语达人来点评一下这篇作文,这是一篇高中生作文,要纠正一下语法或拼写错误,并写出需要改进的地方Dear Sir and Madam :My name is Li Hua,I am a student of your school summer camp ,My aim to write this letter is
Dear Sir and Madam :
I am Li Hua ,also a student of your school camp .Writting this letter is because i want to make an appointment with the learning center.Here are my reasons .Firstly ,as a chinese ,we have different cooking styles .It's normal for the chinese that we eat hot food and soup .But in England ,I only eat bread because the food is so cold .Secondly ,I hope you can give me an accurate ways of how to use an library computer.There is a problem (which)confused me.
If you are convenient ,could you help me Monday afternoon and Friday is available for me ,please call me .

麻烦帮我点评一下这篇英语作文, 谁能点评一下这篇作文? 英语怎么说 这是一篇网络作文 求点评 请英语达人来点评一下这篇作文,这是一篇高中生作文,要纠正一下语法或拼写错误,并写出需要改进的地方Dear Sir and Madam :My name is Li Hua,I am a student of your school summer camp ,My aim to write this letter is 谁来帮我点评一下这篇作文初二 谁来帮我点评一下这篇作文初二 英语:请老师点评一下我这篇初三的作文作为中学生,我们应该怎样节约能源呢?请写一篇征文提示:1.步行、骑自行车2.节约用电,随手关掉水龙头,节约用纸3.回收废品The advice of save energyNow,you 请大神点评一下托福作文 TPO16 《.从我开始》这篇作文怎么写?讲讲该怎么写就可以了,关键要注意什么?请加上一篇范文!(重点是突出怎么写!范文请加上点评) 请大师批改一下我的一篇英语作文这是一篇关于吸烟的害处的作文,属于高中的基础写作,由于段考听说考这篇作文,所以小试牛刀,如果有错和不对的地方,请大师们指导指导,The harmful of smokingWit 帮我点评一下我文章有哪些优缺点?下面是从我一篇文章里选取的两个段落,请大家帮我点评一下这篇章的优缺点,尽量多提一些中肯的缺点,并指出如何改进.因为我要进行下一篇的纂写,希望能 请帮忙点评一下我的两篇作文我的缺点——赖床 俗话说得好:金无足赤,人无完人.这句话就说明了世界上没有一个人是十全十美的,多多少少都会有缺点,而我的缺点则是赖床.三年级一个周一 自己写的一篇英语基础写作,希望点评一下 这是一篇英语作文, 请语文大师帮我看下,这是我自己写得作文,请帮我点评一下,如果你是老师,60分的作文你给多少分,题目为我最想要的 看完别人文章后,想要帮忙点评,并且写成一篇作文,但是我想写的这篇点评的标题不知道该怎么起, 请以第一人称点评一下这篇作文 我爱地球 我热爱地球,热爱这个我们赖以生存的家园.爱她的青山绿水,爱请以第一人称点评一下这篇作文我爱地球我热爱地球,热爱这个我们赖以生存的家园.爱 请帮我写一下这篇英语作文谢谢!