they found that very interesting改错还有Did they proud of their students?How a bad weather it is!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 18:50:47

they found that very interesting改错还有Did they proud of their students?How a bad weather it is!
they found that very interesting改错
Did they proud of their students?
How a bad weather it is!

they found that very interesting改错还有Did they proud of their students?How a bad weather it is!
that 后面加主语they are或者是it is典型的that引导的宾语从句
把did 改为 were

it were what

that 后面加主语they are或者是it is典型的that引导的宾语从句

写出同义句,每空一词:They found that he was a very clever boy.They found ______a very clever boy. they found that very interesting改错还有Did they proud of their students?How a bad weather it is! They found very interesting to remember B.this C.that D.themfound后有一格, They found ( ) that the goddess turned out to be...They found ( ) that the goddess turned out to be a very modern-looking woman.A) surprisinglyB) with surpriseC) to their surpriseD) a surprise请说明理由, I found that I still miss you very much We found that she was very imaginative.改成同义句We found()() 改正错误(英语题)(题在下面)1.I am very happy that day.2.This morning,the police call our teacher.3.They say they found the owner.一道题答对两分. 英语翻译Not surprisingly,he found that Raychem,as virtually theonly maker of PPTCs until very recently,had monopoly power in each of these‘markets’.He asserted,without supporting analysis,that technically feasiblealternatives existed,but they the docotor found that the boy(a see anyting and he said that he could do noting to help him tom stom s parents (w very sad they did not know what to do 括号里填什么 that's not where they found her---where they found her是什么从句where 属于什么词性 we all found _____ very interesting to play chessit is that it that is She wondered if they found her jewellery and rather hoped that they had . mang people will have such a feeling in casual in found that very good things butwhen you try to find they never found and so you very exaction when it lost know to cherish and life in the seach for pain throngh各位,翻译一下 英语翻译They tried very hard and found that 176 of the boys had become successful ( )doctors,teachers or scientistsA as B like 为什么B不行呀,为什么选A They found ____very difficult____English,,to learnC.that,learnD.that,to learn Another thing that I found very difficult was English grammar.Another very difficult thing that I found 这样写可以吗? 英语翻译为什么是I found that learning English is very difficult,而不是I find that learning English is very difficult?Found在这里表示什么? Another thing that he found very difficult was English gramma.(改为同义句)____ _____ another thing that the found very difficult?(怎么填?为什么?)