The new days are coming!Don't worry.All of the fans will support the team foreverThis year,I think I have a great summer.Let us meet in Brazil,2014.That day,we will togther witness the Germany win the championship.再加一些祝福德国足球队的

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 20:21:52

The new days are coming!Don't worry.All of the fans will support the team foreverThis year,I think I have a great summer.Let us meet in Brazil,2014.That day,we will togther witness the Germany win the championship.再加一些祝福德国足球队的
The new days are coming!Don't worry.
All of the fans will support the team forever
This year,I think I have a great summer.
Let us meet in Brazil,2014.
That day,we will togther witness the Germany win the championship.

The new days are coming!Don't worry.All of the fans will support the team foreverThis year,I think I have a great summer.Let us meet in Brazil,2014.That day,we will togther witness the Germany win the championship.再加一些祝福德国足球队的
Don't be upset!
Tomorrow will be another day!
I had a really good season this year.
See you in Brazil in 2014!
Let's witness Germany to win back the championship by then!
God bless the German team!

This year,I think I have a great summer此句应改为This year.I think I will have a great summer.That day,we will togther witness the Germany win the championship.此句应该为On that day,we will witness the success of Germany together.

gone are the days 怎样用 Gone Are The Days 歌词 Dog Days Are Over伴奏 dog days are over 伴奏发到 5.Which days are the strongest days of the week? Many of the new agricultural jobs these days deal with the new types of technology thatMany of the new agricultural jobs these days deal with the new types of technology that are needed to produce the crops that America needs.翻译 New Year's Day New Year's Day is one of importanNew Year's DayNew Year's Day is one of important days for many people in the world during the year.Most people spend the New Year's Day in hotels.January 1st is considered as the New Year's Day.Most com -- the spring festival,children -----in new clothes and spend happy days---the spring festival,children ----in new clothes and spend happy daysA.on,dress,are dressed upC.on,are dressed,dress up麻烦解释下为什么 summer is hot and the days are the days are very short______December填介词? are the animals happy these days? have seven days o______ for the Chinese Lunar New Year new accounts in the days and years after his injury. 英语翻译The words in the first line of the schedule are the short forms of the days in a week.The students will begin their new school year in about two weeks. The days are longer中,为什么要用“are”越细越好! The days with you are like are look without Are there any new ideas 〔 〕at the conference (A) com up with (B)being come up (C)coming up (D) coming up with dog days are over 有效连接请发到百度邮箱或