
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 12:01:59


These are suspended in a small void in the dust, if someone said, pointing to a one: "The above are on this 1 trillion of life, there are mountains, rivers, land, aircraft ships, there are pavilions, there万家灯火. Who would believe it? "We look at this photo again, which is suspended in the void in a number of small dust. This is a blue, it is the Earth. This is a very distant shot of the space. Know that today, mankind can not know the marginal universe, human beings and the planet they live as dust, floating in the void in.
Space of this picture was taken by Vice President Al Gore, former U.S. President provided. In October 2007, he had just won the Nobel Peace Prize, rewarding him for improving the global environment and to reduce the war's contribution to the crisis.
Mr. Gore that the earth is not only a tiny fragile, but still dangerous.
All harmony, fine
Large-scale series of public programs, "in harmony to save the crisis," the theme of the seven special attention. If there is no sense of shame people hearts, have done a bad thing out.
The elderly to the young person after.
Yo has never heard of such a thing. Ancestors are not the parents do not, if love the country, it is false.
And so I could afford to pay, I do two special ad nausea, a lunch at the National People's broadcast,
Individuals, the greatest personal rewards.
Changes in the earth's crust, the sea changes have anything to do with morality? Related, as the water inside the said experiment. Fluctuations in the power of human thinking can do more than the power of nuclear explosions?
You say you how much the cost? Is not ill-gotten gains? To save the country that does not depend on these people? The destruction of the country is these people.
How can find a monk to solve these problems of the human world? When I was young I do not believe in religion, but also do not believe in Buddhism.
Let us come to the hearts of sincere gratitude. Thanksgiving.
When necessary we have to kneel down and kowtow to the people. To our home, I salute ah, those of us who teach, what you attempt to?
Generation of senior monks in the old Master easy clearance,顿开茅塞.
If you make a fortune by神官Buddha Buddha bless the past, the Buddha became Buddha corrupt officials, are subject to the bribery.
Understand the true meaning of harmony, to create world peace.
"Harmony to save the crisis"

Here are some of the tiny suspension in vain, if someone as one of the grain, said: "this is a life, have trillions of land, aircraft ship, pavilion, lights. Who would believe?" We'll look at this pic...


Here are some of the tiny suspension in vain, if someone as one of the grain, said: "this is a life, have trillions of land, aircraft ship, pavilion, lights. Who would believe?" We'll look at this picture, this also is vanity in suspension in some small dust. This is one is blue, it is the earth. This is the very far in the space. Today, human beings cannot know the universe and human oneself live, the planet like dust, floating in vain. This photo is space by former us vice-president al gore, sir. October 2007, he just won the Nobel peace prize, his reward for improving the global environment and reduce the contributions of war crisis. Mr Gore that earth is not only a slight fragile, and now is dangerous. Harmonious, peaceful things Large series public programs "harmony" save crisis seven themes special attention. If no shame, what do bad things. First, after the elderly. Never yo heard of such a thing. Fathers are not, all parents love, if not, it is fake. Wait me rich, I did two characteristics of nausea, a national people's advertising for lunch, Individual, personal fortune. The change of the crust and sea change with moral have what relation? There, like water inside the experiment. People thought the fluctuation of power over nuclear power? You said you pay? If wealth? To save the country is on them? The destruction of these people also state. How to find a family to solve these problems in? When I was young, I also don't believe that religion, don't believe Buddhism. Let our sincere gratitude to the heart. Gratitude. When necessary, we will kneel down to kowtow. To our home, I salute, teach us, what do you have to these? Generation of monks respeed teacher method, DuKaiMaoSai mage. If god is rich by official buddhas bless, buddhas became corrupt, bribes. Understanding the meaning of harmony, create the peace. The harmonious save crisis"


英语翻译这是一些悬浮在虚空中的细小微尘,如果有人指着其中的一粒说:“这个这上面有上万亿个生命,有山河大地,有飞机轮船,有亭台楼阁,有万家灯火.谁会相信呢?”我们再来看看这张照片 如何让豆浆中的细小沉淀悬浮 身似微尘,心如虚空. 观音手中的瓶子到底是在海中 还是四大海的水在瓶子中江和海都是由水分子组成的 是连在一起不可分割的 乃至与虚空中的水分子也是连在一起不可分割的瓶子也是由分子(微尘)组成 也是与 为什么树木可以净化空气?在光合作用下它要吸入二氧化碳,排出氧气,还能吸附一些空气中的微尘,所以说能净化空气. 物质是由分子、原子等细小例子构成的举出一些生活中或自然界中的事例 英语翻译“须菩提!若善男子、善女人,以三千大千世界碎为微尘,于意云何?是微尘众宁为多不?”“甚多,世尊!何以故?若是微尘众实有者,佛则不说是微尘众,所以者何?佛说:微尘众,即非微尘众, 原子论中的“虚空”到底是什么 所罗门王说过的话虚空的虚空,虚空的虚空,凡事都是虚空.请问这句话是什么意思? 地球是悬浮在空中的吗拜托各位了 3Q地球悬浮着为什么不往下掉呢? 军情解码、军情直播间节目中的虚拟物体是如何实现的?如图中的悬浮在两位主持人面前的战斗机,在军情解码、军情解码..等节目中常常出现一些悬浮在空中的武器模型图像,这些模型影像是 布朗运动是悬浮在液体中的固体颗粒的分子无规则运动的反映.这句话怎么错了? 磷在氧气中燃烧会有白烟,和白雾有什么区别雾是—悬浮在空气中的现象,烟是—悬浮在空气中的现象 在科学史上有哪些科学家是从生活中的细小现象中找出真理的有急用 能否飞出虚空?(虚空是宇宙之外的) 在制造尼龙过程中,常有一些细小的尼龙屑粘在线上,如果使使车间空气保持较高湿度,就可避免,这是为什么? 明珠上的微尘中,陈景润的信写了哪三层意思?1.明星指的华罗庚的著作《堆垒素数论》,微尘指的是著作中的一个错误 2.明星是华罗庚的突出业绩,微尘是华罗庚人生的一个污点 3.微尘是人们对 云是由大量细微水滴组成的悬浮在大气中的可见____?>