
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 19:44:06


yes.i agree with the argument.
人与自然的关系(The relation between human and nature)
As we know,the nature is the most important to human.People depend on nature to live and human needs fresh air,water,vegetable,which all come form nature.The industry needs fuel,raw material,which are also rooted form nature.What’s more,human also belong to the nature,though he is the highest animal existing in nature.As a consequence,if we destroy the nature,to some extent,we will diminish ourselves.
However,human beings hasn’t paid more attention to this argument.They destroy the ecological balance and the environment surrounding.For example,smoke has given off poisonous gases into the atmosphere; factories have dumped waste into rivers and streams; forests have been fallen ; citizens haven dumped rubbish everywhere; groundwater has been drawn out unrestrictedly.As the scientists predict,it will become dangerous for us if we continue to do so.And some day,human will destroy the whole earth and can’t live any longer.
In a word,we human must be in harmony with nature

I agree.
First,As we know, the nature is important to humanwe ,we are human,In fact,we are animal.we live in earth which give our life and money.If we hurt our nature,we hurt ourselve too.smal...


I agree.
First,As we know, the nature is important to humanwe ,we are human,In fact,we are animal.we live in earth which give our life and money.If we hurt our nature,we hurt ourselve too.smaller the nature is,smaller human is.
Second,we can't live without air,if the nature decrease,we can't breathe anymore.so we will decrease too.Is it true?
third,we depend on the nature,we use it to make money,so we can make our life,if not,how can we live on,what can we eat.where can we set on.


Of course ,man's relationship with nature is and should be genuine concern. it is so because man and nature are in constant contact with each other...man is forever depending on nature for all its nee...


Of course ,man's relationship with nature is and should be genuine concern. it is so because man and nature are in constant contact with each other...man is forever depending on nature for all its need. there is a need of perfect equilibrium between the interaction of humans with nature. when we take something from nature we need to give it time to recover itself. we need to understand that nature would be destroyed if we overburden it with our unending needs.



求:英语作文,如果我们减小自然就等于减小人类自己,讨论一下人与自然的关系.如果合适的话,150字就可以. 两个数相乘,如果一个因子增加3,积就增加54,如果另一个数减小6,级就减小150,求两个 加速度减小方向是不是就等于改变了 初三英语作文:减小学习压力要求:写得简单点.80词左右就可以了. 一个圆柱,如果把它的高截短4厘米,表面积就减小了50.24平方厘米,体积减小了多少立方厘米 一个长方形,如果长减少3m,面积就减小12㎡;如果宽增加2m,面积就增加10㎡.求这个长方形的面积是多少? 一个长方形,如果长减少3m,面积就减小12㎡;如果宽增加2m,面积就增加10㎡.求这个长 初三英语作文 怎样减小压力减小压力的方法、自己写、或者范文也可以、急用 质量减小 动能就减小?(其他条件不变) 物体加速度减小,如果加速度减小到0 速度减小惯性就会减小吗因为速度的减小所以惯性才会减小吗? 一个圆柱体的底面周长和高相等,如果高缩短3厘米,表面积就减小18.84平方厘米,求这个圆柱的表面积? 溶解度随压强的减小而减小你知道哦,我们老师曾举过一个例子,就是汽水瓶,瓶盖一打开.压强就减小了,溶解度也随之减小,那么为什么瓶盖一打开压强就减小了?我和同学曾推测,很可能是瓶盖 溶解度随压强的减小而减小你知道?我们老师曾举过一个例子,就是汽水瓶,瓶盖一打开.压强就减小了,溶解度也随之减小,那么为什么瓶盖一打开压强就减小了?我和同学曾推测,很可能是瓶盖一 溶解度随压强的减小而减小你知道?我们老师曾举过一个例子,就是汽水瓶,瓶盖一打开.压强就减小了,溶解度也随之减小,那么为什么瓶盖一打开压强就减小了?我和同学曾推测,很可能是瓶盖一 距离为L的平行板电容器中插入厚d的金属板,为什么相当于两板间距离减小为L-d我们等势体那一节跳了过去没教,我就只知道该金属板会变成一个等势体,但接下来为什么就等于减小了d我就不懂 物体下降时减小的重力势能等于增大的动能吗?如果等于,是什么时候?如果不等于,那为什么? 为什么溶质减少,质量分数就减小