
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 23:10:50


Last summer I went with my MOM to scenic shapotou.August in the sweltering heat of Ningxia shake your head,to the entire Earth roast.In the area to play an hour I was thirsty,Melody-smoke,mother as liberators were handed me a bottle of mineral water,then kept cool underwater girth sore at cool,look around without a trash can with a small tree,I reached for the mineral water bottles is still in the tree.My mom saw said:"pick up."I strongly excuse:" here,there is no garbage."Mama said" no,Park cannot refuse.If everyone was like you,this tree is not scourge,you see,this tree is a mineral water bottles,you said you don't scandalously?"my lips,full mouth.Mother I look happy to teach me and said:"in life's journey,more than once encountered temptation,a correct attitude towards every little thing,take a little can go a step to Trinidad,small streams and rivers.Because every drop of water can be refracted from Sun,every little thing that reflects a person's character.In everyday things beyond yourself,you will surely become who will succeed!"

Last summer I followed her to the Shapotou tourism scenic spot. August hot Ningxia shook his head, it seems necessary to roast the whole of the earth. It was built to play for an hour I had a dry mout...


Last summer I followed her to the Shapotou tourism scenic spot. August hot Ningxia shook his head, it seems necessary to roast the whole of the earth. It was built to play for an hour I had a dry mouth, throat smoke, my mother gave me as savior-like bottle of mineral water, cushions pound, you'll feel the cool water, and his voice suddenly a lot of cool to see look around do not have a trash can, but fortunately, there are trees trees, I smoothly took mineral water bottle is still a tree. Mom saw said: "pick it up." I strongly argued: "Here, there is no trash." His mother said: "No, the park can not just litter. If we are like you, not to suffer a tree tree You look under the tree on you a mineral water bottle, do not you ashamed? "I pouted, full of happy. Mom upset enlighten my face I said: "In the journey of life, the temptation will encounter more than once, the right to treat every little thing, but can be a little bit closer to the thousands of miles, rivers and small streams is made. Because every clear water can reflect the sun's shining, every little thing can reflect a person's character. in the daily little things in life experiences yourself, you will become a man of character and will to succeed! "


英语翻译去年夏天我跟着妈妈去沙坡头旅游风景区.八月的宁夏摇晃着炙热的脑袋,似乎要把整个大地烤化.在景区玩了一个小时的我已经是口干舌燥,嗓子冒烟,妈妈就像救星似的递给我一瓶矿 英语翻译去年夏天我们全家人去野营了.我喜欢夏天和好朋友们去野营.我的同班同学计划明天去山上野营.我妈妈为我准备了一些野营的食物. 去年夏天我和妈妈去了大连有英文怎么讲 去年夏天,我们旅游了桂林山水.(修改病句) 英语翻译去年夏天,我大部分的时间都花在练习游泳和出去旅游.我们旅游的地方是中国的丽江,那是一个有着清新空气且环境优美的好地方.不仅仅只是旅游,在回家以后,我和我的母亲定时去离 请跟着我读英语翻译 病句“去年暑假,我旅游了黄山 五岁那年夏天,我跟着妈妈到乡下舅舅家去 我刚到这里就被迷住了.“我”被什么迷住 中译英,要人工翻译!去年寒假,我和爸爸妈妈一起去澳大利亚旅游.我们从晚上六点出发,第二天早上七点到达澳大利亚.由于现在澳大利亚正值夏天,我们都换上了短袖短裤.再简单的休息之后,我 吃芒果阅读答案吃芒果那还是去年夏天,大姨去海南岛旅游,回来时给我们带来几个芒果.这芒果黄中透绿,散发出阵阵诱人的香味.我拿起一个,在水龙头下冲了冲就要吃.妈妈赶忙拦着我,“芒果 《吃芒果》阅读题一道吃芒果 那还是去年夏天,大姨去海南岛旅游,回来时给我们带来几个芒果.这芒果黄中透绿,散发出阵阵诱人的香味.我拿起一个,在水龙头下冲了冲就要吃.妈妈赶忙拦着我, 吃芒果阅读题吃芒果 那还是去年夏天,大姨去海南岛旅游,回来时给我们带来几个芒果.这芒果黄中透绿,散发出阵阵诱人的香味.我拿起一个,在水龙头下冲了冲就要吃.妈妈赶忙拦着我,“芒果的 吃芒果阅读题读后感吃芒果 那还是去年夏天,大姨去海南岛旅游,回来时给我们带来几个芒果.这芒果黄中透绿,散发出阵阵诱人的香味.我拿起一个,在水龙头下冲了冲就要吃.妈妈赶忙拦着我,“ 英语翻译 一个喜欢旅游的妈妈 英语翻译:去年年假时,你去了什么地方旅游啊 去年夏天我?我家人到大连旅游.我们参观了海洋公园,观看了海豚的精彩表演?用英语翻译 我也跟着一起去吗?英语翻译 去年的夏天的这个时候,我正在美国度假 当皮特在弹钢琴的时候,他们在跳舞 英语翻译