帮我写一份3级英文作文 明天要英语3级考试了 Directions:This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.You are required to write a letter of reply to an invitation according to the information given in Chinese below.Remem

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 04:02:08

帮我写一份3级英文作文 明天要英语3级考试了 Directions:This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.You are required to write a letter of reply to an invitation according to the information given in Chinese below.Remem
帮我写一份3级英文作文 明天要英语3级考试了
Directions:This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.You are required to write a letter of reply to an invitation according to the information given in Chinese below.Remember to write the letter on the Translation/Composition Sheet.
邀请人:王力 被邀请人:John Smith
内容:王力及其妻子邀请John Smith夫妇来家中参加儿子一岁生日宴.时间定于6月10号下午七点在皇家饭店举行.

帮我写一份3级英文作文 明天要英语3级考试了 Directions:This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.You are required to write a letter of reply to an invitation according to the information given in Chinese below.Remem
你好 你是有答案了吗 能给我一份吗
june 4th,2010
dear wang:
thanks too much for inviting us to join your son's birthday party. i have seen the lovely baby before and it is worth celebrating for him and your happy family.
but i regret that i cannot go to the party at that time. you know our company has a branch in america and it has something serious happened which needs my immediate decision. thus i should go back as soon as possible.
i am really sorry for my absence. hope you will have a wonderful party and a good time.
john smith

帮我写一份3级英文作文 明天要英语3级考试了 Directions:This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.You are required to write a letter of reply to an invitation according to the information given in Chinese below.Remem 英语成绩进步交流经验怎么写?由于期末考英语成绩进步,老师要我写一份演讲稿,关于英语进步的经验交流,在家长会上念.不要求英文,中文即可!明天就要用的 英语达人!帮我写篇英语作文!题目是《怎样找一份好工作》英文和中文并存谢谢!希望在1月3日之前能写出来!单词在八十左右!软件自重! 帮我写一份英语晚餐菜单 能帮我写一份关于广告利弊的英文作文么?120-150字 英语作文:明天要做的事明天我要考试用的 我爱唱英文歌曲的英语作文我们有个英文作文,题目是我爱唱英文歌曲,这个怎么写我希望英文很好的朋友帮我写一份,200字就行了 我这次数学和英语考差了,爸妈要我写一份计划书大家请帮我想一份,只有2个小时还没有人想好吗 帮我写反思,这次期中考生物反思,考了67 明天我要交,200字左右 帮我制定一份GRE作文备考计划!本人没考过T,直接杀G,虽然四六级一次过,但是分不是很高而且N久以前的事情,可以说英语基础相当一般!希望哪位大侠帮我制定一份大约20天的作文备考计划~最好 帮我写一份关于Eiffel Tower 的英文搞要英文搞,不用太多,谢咯! 请帮我写一份名为THE PRESENT SOMEONE GAVE YOU为题的英语作文 my dream作文我的梦想是当一位著名的设计师你们帮我写一份英语作文!要简短!是初中生写的`` 我想制定一份寒假生活安排表 请帮我制定一份后半年要考初中,请帮我写一下时间,内容 明天就考B级英语了,我要看些什么 帮我写一份100字的英文作文题目是“My holiday我现在初一升初二,要符合我这个水平呀 谁帮我写一份英文情诗ilovexiefanglei 请各位帮我制定一份考四级的计划,要简洁,可行性高..12月份就考4级啦