
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 00:15:51


I know that I am useless.I don't have the money to take you for a vacation on May 1.Do you really think that I wanted it like that?You don't think I am feeling bored as well staying at home on a public holiday?Let me say it again.You couldn't go to Hong Kong,which has nothing to do with me but your own fault.I have already told you before May 1 that we won't be going for a vacation.You have enough time to buy your own tickets and take the family to Hong Kong.Even if tomorrow is May 1,you can still go to visit your family in Hong Kong.It would not be that difficult at all.But everytime you just blame it on me.I don't want to be the guilty one any more.You can only think of going off for a vacation to take your mind away all the time.Have you ever see things from my point of view?You are simply just too selfish!There was never even a concern phone call to me but only all sorts of textings.It is really that difficult of picking up a phone?Sometimes,you just can't take it for granted that everyone will treat you right.A man also needs a woman,who would really understand him and I think as a man,I am already treating you very well and I have done my very best.If you are still not satisfied,then why don't you tell me.Don't just keep on saying what is love and what kind of love that you would like all the time.Have you done your part as a woman then?If love is only a one-sided job,then such love is too hard for me and you should know it very well.May be I should adjust my attitude too.Perhaps,there is no need to be too persistant on love and i should take things more easy.It is not the end of the world when there is no love.I think that to a man,career is still the top priority.I need to learn how to cherish myself and right now,I really wish I could get on a car and drive to the next city to unwind myself because I am also tired!

I was so sorry that I don’t have enoughmoney to pay for the vacation to HK in may 1st. I really didn’t mean to . staying at home during the vacation is boring, however what’s can I do without money! h...


I was so sorry that I don’t have enoughmoney to pay for the vacation to HK in may 1st. I really didn’t mean to . staying at home during the vacation is boring, however what’s can I do without money! having heard that you didn’t go to HK because of me, I was very shocked. We have discussed the trip for the vacation and you have enough time to buy ticket and go to HK with you family. You know I don’t have enough time to accompany you, but you should not do such a silly things . even if tomorrow is may 1st,you still have the time to buy a ticket and have a good time with your family, why don’t you do this ? I know you want to have a good vacation with me, because you think it’s a way to show the love between us,however I need more space I also need you consideration. I didn’t mean you areselfish it’s just because what’s you do makes me feel that you don’t think of my feeling when you making choices. I don’t want to spend whole day tocommunicated with you by SMS and twitter, I want hear you voice and you will never known that I always waiting for that. Man have man’s business and man also need a woman who understand him. As a man I have do my best to satisfy my role , and I wish you will also do what you should do . love is not alone it’s the feeling between man and woman. If love is just one do his best to satisfy the other and the other just keep on asking more, such love will not last long because one will never make the other feel please. So we also need to think about what we have done to each other, and change something to keep our love forever. Onlywhen we all understand each other and do what we need to do, our quarrel will end. I always hold the view that’s man’s career should always have the prime priority during his young age . And as a young people we both need to cherish our time and life,for what we do now have great influence to our future. Let we stopquarrel ok? I feel really tired and want drive to another city to forgot such fuss things.
Hoping for your letter!
这个看得出来你对此女还是很很心的。特意花了半小时间将你的大体意用英语写了一下。温馨提示:对女生讲话不要这么凶,好好讲,她们会听的,我在翻译时将你凶狠的语气弱化了一些希望你不会太在意。如果你还想和她继续下去,就把我写的回过去吧,然后等她回信。祝好 2013-4-30


英语翻译是我没本事,五月一号我没钱带你去旅游,你以为我想这样的吗?难道假期在家我就不闷吗?重新说明一下,你去不到香港是你的事可不关我的事,我已经在五一之前跟你说过我们不去旅游 我可以带你去玩 英语翻译 如果地球没了,你会带我去哪里? 英语翻译本人不是没钱....反正你给我答案就是了.. 英语翻译: 我想与你见面交流.不巧的是,今天我会去北京一个月.但幸运的是,你会留在这里直到五月,所以我不会错过与你语言交流的机会. 英语翻译没本事的只能和我玩暗战.如此悲催. 英语翻译我没车,没钱,没房,没钻戒,但我有一颗陪你到老的心,等到你老了,我依然背着你,我给你当拐杖,等你没牙了,我就嚼碎了喂给你,我一定等你死后我在死,要不把你一个人留在这世界上,没 英语翻译我没车,没钱,没房,没钻戒,但我有一颗陪你到老的心,等到你老了,我依然背着你,我给你当拐杖,等你没牙了,我就嚼碎了喂给你,我一定等你死后我在死,要不把你一个人留在这世界上,没 英语翻译蜜糖..唔开心左成日突然好挂住你呀.唔好周围去玩等我一号番尼呀 直到我去到百货商店我才发现没带钱包.英语翻译这句话 是否爱情是建立在物质条件基础上的?如果一个人没钱、没本事、长相一般、我想他不会有真爱, 裸婚时代的告白刘易阳:我求你嫁给我吧,虽说我没车,没钱,没房,没钻戒,但是我有一颗陪你到老的心!就这一句 是哪一集 大概多少分钟演的 电流“I,电压 U都是哪个单词的缩写?别告诉是人名,有本事你写出来给我看看!一楼的回答等于没说! 今天是五月20号.我喜欢你.英语怎么说?今天是五月20号.我喜欢你.英语怎么说? 聪明的人来告诉我一下我想开一个公司,我又没钱,又没本事,我又想开一个大公司,最好是垄断的企业,暴利的企业,招一大批一大批没什么水平的人,又不会做事的人,又做不出个事的人,不是个人 我带你去飞机场,【是指另一个方面】 上周末我去钓鱼了,但没把鱼带回家.英语翻译 英语翻译英语翻译:如果吃药之后还没好,我就带你去医院看病.