Mr Li!Can we arrive at school late?Sorry ,you _______ on time.横线上为什么填must be 而不填must?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 00:18:56

Mr Li!Can we arrive at school late?Sorry ,you _______ on time.横线上为什么填must be 而不填must?
Mr Li!Can we arrive at school late?Sorry ,you _______ on time.
横线上为什么填must be 而不填must?

Mr Li!Can we arrive at school late?Sorry ,you _______ on time.横线上为什么填must be 而不填must?
on time 是个介词词组,相当与副词或形容词,这视情况而定
而must 一般后面还要接一个动词连用 所以加个be补充进去
我初一时也遇到过这个问题 当时对语法还很模糊 所以我是这么记的:be on time be on duty

Mr Li!Can we arrive at school late?Sorry ,you _______ on time.横线上为什么填must be 而不填must? Mr.Li teaches< >(we)Chinese. 用适当的情态动词填空1.If you __________answer the question,please put up your hand.2.-----_________ we go now,Mr.Li?-----Yes,you can.3.-----Is this blue bike yours?----No,my bike is black.I guess it ______ be Lucy’s.4.----________I arrive mr li often helps 【 】 【we】 with 【 】 【we 】 english . when did Mr li and his friends____in chinaA,arrive B,arrived 为什么 李老师听说印度是一个可以供我们观光的好地方(填空...)Mr Li ___ that India ___ ___ ___ ___ we can ___ ___. It occurs to me that we can turn to Mr Li for help.如何转换成没有形式主语的句子 We can't _______(arrive) late on school days. We can't arrive late for school(改为同义句) We can't arrive late for class.(改为祈使句) 用late,arrive,not,can,we,for class造句 Can you help me Mrs Li asked Mr Chen.(改为间接引语)Mrs Li asked Mr Chen [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]. Mr.Graceless - Mr.Li歌词 为什么在句子中We can't arrive late for class.中要用arrive而不用arrive in,arrive at,get to 等 We all arrive as early as we can so thatWe all arrive as early as we can so that we have time to warm up Mr.Li是什么意思 《》歌词 1) Where is the nearest hospital?John asked. Make good use of your time.Mr Li advised.转换间接引语时,用不用说 John asked me……………… ,Mr Li advised us…………2)We all hope Lana_happy.A will be B can be