英语作文can money buy happiness 和 no pain no gain哪个好写?那个作文容易得高分、、为什么?怎么写咧?谢啦、、、

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 05:54:44

英语作文can money buy happiness 和 no pain no gain哪个好写?那个作文容易得高分、、为什么?怎么写咧?谢啦、、、
英语作文can money buy happiness 和 no pain no gain哪个好写?那个作文容易得高分、、为什么?

英语作文can money buy happiness 和 no pain no gain哪个好写?那个作文容易得高分、、为什么?怎么写咧?谢啦、、、
can money buy happiness 可以写:一个人的富有不在于金钱,在于阅历;人生的目标不在于富裕,在于幸福.纵有千金,饿不能食,病不能医,死不能持.最重要的是自己开心.
no pain no gain可以写:从来天下没有免费的午餐,只有自己努力,才能有收获;不经一番寒彻骨,哪得梅花清香来.即使最后没能达到期望,在这个过程里面,你也得到了很多.

没有容易得高分的说法 只要写得好就行 而且每个老师的思维定势的思维方式是不一样的

Can money buy happiness?
Money makes the mare go. People nowadays attach two much importance to money and they devote all their li...


Can money buy happiness?
Money makes the mare go. People nowadays attach two much importance to money and they devote all their lives to making money. Is money so important? Can money buy happiness?
Some people believe money can buy happiness. With money, you are no longer worried about hunger, living, and clothes. With money, you can have a nice wife and you can give your children good education and living environment.
However, different people hold different ideas. Some others think money can't buy happiness. Happiness is a kind of emotion.Even if you are very rich, you will still feel sad or lonely because you don't have friends to share with your sorrows. Even if you have much money, you will still live in tragedy if you use the money in a wrong way.
In my opinion, happiness cannot be bought. It is earned. Even if you are poor, you still can be happy if you love your life. If you are rich, you can also be sad if you don't know how to live a life. Everyone has happiness as long as he loves his life and makes every count.
Can money buy happiness?
Even having the power of buying a world, money can't buy happiness.
Above all,as the old saying goes,money isn't everything.I think happiness is a precious gift given by god, not bought by money. Secondly happiness is a kind of motion which has its origin in the deeply inner part of our hearts.That is to say we can't get happiness only in an outside way by money. Finally, happiness get formed when it's a proper tings happen or occur to us.It is not like goods that we can buy by money at any time.
So,it's clear that money can't buy happiness.


no pains ,no gains.