
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 23:48:57


As Oscar Wilde once said:��?Between men and women there is no friendship possible.There is passion,enmity,worship,love,but no friendship��?.Is that love?Is there the possibility of platonic relationships between men and women?We believe it's a very rare phenomenon.Such friendship is impossible within a sexual relationship.The truth is for male at least,that they can't be just friends,there is always something more between them and their women-friends,some kind of desire.
As we know from the science of physics,both pluses and minuses attract each other.So,the same thing is between men and women.And this is quite natural phenomenon.But on the other hand,men and women between themselves have a physical flaw,which stops them of being more than friends,at least most of them,we always have exceptions,but those are still a minority.In reality a man is the compliment of a woman,and vice-versa.But there are still other kinds of possibilities,I mean when there's no physical attraction,in such case such friendship is possible.But everything depends on the way we look at friendship!
As you see,there is no real friendship between men and women (unless they have too much difference in age).Maybe some women would say,for example:“I have some male friends,to whom I feel just friendship��?.Seemingly,it could be true,but in reality,it's not.Why?It is because the friendship between a man and a woman always inevitably has the possibility (or potentiality) to develop into either love or hatred (or sometimes jealousy).As far as that possibility will not come true in practice,they might sometimes erroneously believe in the existence of true friendship.
I truly believe it is possible for a man and a woman to be very good friends without sex getting in the way,I do because I have a few female friends and I have never thought about them in a sexual manner.However,I also believe it is possible that at some point or other of the friendship one or both may start having these kind of thoughts and so friendship may (or may not) cross over the "sex line".This has also happened to me (once only) and it's not nice (even if you are corresponded) because it can complicate things (especially if one or both already have a partner).So you are left with the choice of carrying on being "just friends" which is what I've chosen,or taking it that step further or losing the friendship and touch altogether.Sad but can happen.I see it as one more of the many risks life presents us with.As the human mind is very complex,it's very difficult to control one's feelings (not to say impossible) but it is very possible to control one's actions,that's what's important.Once you do that (control your actions) it'll be easier (or at least less painful) to control the feelings which,sometimes,seem to have a mind of their own.
Men are only friends with women because of their (usually vain) hope that something more will become of it...women,OTOH,are well-aware of this and use it as the proverbial carrot on a stick to obtain favors and to use men as "emotional tampons".
Thus,a parasitic,not a symbiotic relationship (with women being the parasites,since they derive most if not all of the benefits from a so-called 'friendship' with men.)
Men throughout the ages knew this well...only in modern times,with the advent of feminism,has the truth been forgotten (or more properly,suppressed),but men are now quickly awakening to the realization that they have been "bamboozled,hoodwinked and led astray",and are Going Their Own Way.Well,I think that it's possible have a good relationship between a man (I'm a woman).In fact I think is better have a man as a friend that a women.You can tell him watever thing and he never will feel jealously of you.Between woman there is competition.




