
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 03:21:06


What we need to strive for are: diligently learning knowledge;better at solving problems;actively taking action.We alway say that knowledge is not enough when we put it into practice.Acutually learning is a course of accumulation.Without learning day by day,it's impossible to highly skillful at using whenever need it.However,the knowledge learned in the books in university is far from the real life. Just for many problems the books can not clearly explain clearly, so we need another way to make the transition between the knowledge and practice,that is frequently communicating with the classmates.We should learn when live for without learning,we can't meet the needs of the Times.Consideration is a kind of motivation,that means the application of the learned knowledge, that is how to put the knowledge into practice. Good at thinking means how to think in a direct way,making passivity into initiative.Being a man is the same way as doing things.If you always correctly think about the problem, most of which can be easily solved,and many good ideas would be come out naturally. Sometimes we feel great pressure from the daily life, struggling to cope with, but we should see the break point of knowing how to think and find the stressor.This is a problem about thinking, that is the place that your feet can not reach, your sight can get it;the place that you sight can not reach, your thought can get it . Studying diligently,better at solving problems,boldly engaging in practice,from doing everything by your side,that is we shall put all the learning and thought into practice.

英语翻译勤奋学习知识,善于思考问题,积极付诸行动是我们需要去努力的.我们时常会说书到用时方恨少,其实学习是一种积累,没有平时的日积月累,就没有用时的得心应手了.可大学书本上所学 英语翻译:善于发现问题 收集善于思考,提出问题的名言 英语翻译本人领悟能力强,思维敏捷、善于思考,不但能够将所学知识与实践工作相结合,而且善于从事物中摸索规律、找窍门、总结经验.工作中能设身处地从宏观角度思考全局工作,有很强的 英语翻译:“善于发现问题”和“持之以恒” 修改病句 说明理由 并修改关于改善学生住宿条件的问题,我们采取了积极的措施他非常愿意帮助年轻人成长,还从自己的项目中分出一部分来给他们善于思考勤于思考乐于思考是变得聪明 上课怎样积极思考 有关善于思考的名人名言 善于思考是何含义? 我们必须努力学习,认真观察、分析问题、反复思考、善于用脑的习惯.改病句 我们必须努力学习,认真观察分析问题,反复思考善于用脑的习惯.修改病句~ 我们必须努力学习,认真观察分析问题,反复思考善于用脑袋习惯.改病句 我们必须努力学习,认真观察、分析问题、反复思考、善于用脑的习惯. 改病句 善于思考问题,敢于付诸行动是哪个词语的解释... 英语翻译我是个很冷静的人,善于思考,不愿轻易放弃. 激发潜能的方法,(政治作业上的题目)积极的——、善于反思、————、树立自信,换个角度思考等 求英语口语情景4人对话4人组讨论交朋友哪方面最重要,A认为:乐于助人、慷慨大方会思考问题B认为:灵活和合作并善于理解人C认为:真诚可靠并且工作认真努力D认为:直率和诚实并且积极 怎样认识积极思考积极思考的好处