
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 11:33:53


This is the composition about to protect and love our environment.Indeed,we only have one earth,it is essential and imperative for us to treat it nicely.Or else,we will be the one suffering.As a matter of fact,a great number of animals and plants had extinct.All this was substantially because of we human being.And a large number of them are endangered.If this does not imply that we are not obliged to do something,the world is going insane and will be destroyed.To stop this from happening,we have many options.First and foremost we should start from ourselves.Do as what a perfect citizen should do.Then,restrain the factories from polluting,this can be done by establishing laws and rules.If we united as one,nothing is impossible.

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