一道英语单选题(给出答案还要有详细解释哦!)1 When the player finished running,he was out of( )A.breathe B.breathing c.breath D.the breath

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 20:29:19

一道英语单选题(给出答案还要有详细解释哦!)1 When the player finished running,he was out of( )A.breathe B.breathing c.breath D.the breath
1 When the player finished running,he was out of( )
A.breathe B.breathing c.breath D.the breath

一道英语单选题(给出答案还要有详细解释哦!)1 When the player finished running,he was out of( )A.breathe B.breathing c.breath D.the breath
out of breath 是固定搭配
The mile run left Bill out of breath.
She got so angry that she ran after them.She was soon out of breath,but she continued to run.
I was out of breath after running for the bus.
I ran to the theater all along and was out of breath.

一道英语单选题(给出答案还要有详细解释哦!)1 When the player finished running,he was out of( )A.breathe B.breathing c.breath D.the breath 初二英语导学练单选题,还要有对应的答案, 英语单选题,求答案 英语单选题求答案! 英语单选题 英语 第45题 希望可以详细解释这个题是考什么什么知识点? 求解释一道英语单选题my new issue of china daily has disappeared.who___have taken it?Acould Bmust Cshould Dwould答案是A但是我不懂为什么 单选题;直线运动单元测试(知识点)答题要求:1、请给出正确答案2、请详细解释各个选项.把我当成个初学者.温馨提示:谁的答案最详尽,谁的答案被采纳的机会就大. 帮忙找40道英语单选题、高一的,要有答案,加解析,谢啦 一道高三英语单选题~He doesn't dare to leave the house in case he ___.A. recognized B.ill be recognizedC.ll recogize D.as been recogized答案是A 答案给出的解释:在状语从句中用一般现在时代替一般将 心理学的一个单选题:在人的认识、情感、意志行动方面表现出来的、经常处于动态变化过程中的心理活动称为A 心理状态 B 心理特征 C D 个性心理要求不仅要有答案,还要有解释, 这五题英语单选题的答案是? 求英语单选题第5和第9题答案及解释 一道单选题 一道单选题 初三化学一道单选题 一道单选题, 英语单选题 英语 语法达人帮帮学弟,第40题 希望可以详细解释这个题是考什么语法,英语单选题英语语法达人帮帮学弟,第40题希望可以详细解释这个题是考什么语法, 高二英语单选题 急 要有解析.