中译英 作文日记旅行我们的祖国由许多民族组成,离我们最近的就是塔山瑶族.我的舞蹈老师是瑶族人,她组织我们在她的家乡玩两天,我们从市内乘车经过三个小时才到达目的地,一到达瑶寨,我

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 06:51:56

中译英 作文日记旅行我们的祖国由许多民族组成,离我们最近的就是塔山瑶族.我的舞蹈老师是瑶族人,她组织我们在她的家乡玩两天,我们从市内乘车经过三个小时才到达目的地,一到达瑶寨,我
中译英 作文日记

中译英 作文日记旅行我们的祖国由许多民族组成,离我们最近的就是塔山瑶族.我的舞蹈老师是瑶族人,她组织我们在她的家乡玩两天,我们从市内乘车经过三个小时才到达目的地,一到达瑶寨,我
Our motherland is composed of many nationalities, our nearest is Yao.
My dance teacher is Yao people, she organized us in her hometown to play two days, from our city riding after three hours to reach their destination, a reach for it, I was white and green conquered, the day is very blue, flowing down from the mountain streams flowing through every household, is really beautiful.
Yao people are very hospitable, we asked them to take pictures, they are very enthusiastic promised, their dress is not gold, but very common cloth, is also very beautiful, the night we eat in a teacher the characteristics of wild, very delicious.
It is morning, everyone went to bed at the top of the building, the stars of the sky, is it right? There is a shooting star, everyone cheered together, is really a wonderful trip.
< two >
How many days will start, operation difference, I feel the pressure. I for the new class is a new member, they chat chat very happy, I can only watch it there, don't know when I can become one with you. This is the school 's most outstanding one of classes, everybody is the master of learning, in the first row of class I in this only on POS, still have pressure. Because the summer before class begins to fill, soon to be the first monthly examination, if behind too much is really embarrassed. Hope everything could be good, God bless.
< three >
The star is far away from us, but fans are on the side, everywhere.
The two kind. The first kind is like star appearance, you crazy chase. The second kind is like star connotation, will be like idol learning.
I belong to second, Jay Chou is my idol, he is not handsome, but he is very talented, very creative, very polite, very clever, it's great.
My dream is one day I can be like Jay Chou.

中译英 作文日记旅行我们的祖国由许多民族组成,离我们最近的就是塔山瑶族.我的舞蹈老师是瑶族人,她组织我们在她的家乡玩两天,我们从市内乘车经过三个小时才到达目的地,一到达瑶寨,我 祖国的诗歌或征文,日记,作文 我们祖国共有几个民族 我们祖国有许多风景优美的地方,有哪些 我们祖国地大物博,有许多美丽景观你去过的地方中你喜欢那里介绍一下英语作文 新中国成立以来,我们的祖国,我们的民族,取得那些事情值得我们骄傲、自豪 我们的祖国历史悠久,有许多传统节日:春节、元宵、中秋……在这些节日一定有许多美好的回意 作文 350以上 我们今天考初一英语,作文是要求写一篇学校旅行日记,我写的是去动物园,时间状语是今天下午,用过去式行不行啊 我们的祖国还有五十六个民族,多样的风土人情、民族习惯,如:___的___(填民族),___的___(填民族)速度,明天交 求我们祖国的英语作文 汉译英:我们的旅行 歌颂祖国 作文点评中华人民是一个历史悠久的民族,创造了璀璨的文化.在汉唐时期,我们祖国 等“”曾经是世界上最文明、最强大的国家。但是,由于近代国家吏治腐朽,闭关自守,导致了 我们的祖国的土地有多少平方公里,人口有多少人,民族有多少个 我国是由56个民族构成的民族大家庭,今天我们应该怎样处理民族关系? 我们伟大的祖国是一个统一的多民族大家庭,共有几个民族,其中()人口最多,其他民族人口较少被称为() 帮忙修改这篇《弘扬民族精神》的演讲稿!弘扬民族精神同学们,老师们,我们的伟大的祖国——中国由56个民族组成.各族人民共同为祖国的明天而努力着!所以,此次我演讲的题目是:弘扬民族 ()的旅行作文 提纲 我们青少年是祖国的未来、民族的希望.以史为鉴,我们应该肩负起怎样的历史使命