
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 19:53:30


Elastic limit're:to study the deformation caused by spring with spring force F type variable X is inversely proportional to verify the hooker theorem is formed
Hypothesis:in the elastic limit spring form variables with X is inversely proportional to the outside force F.Spring elongation of length with external force and the increase of growth
Procedure:(1) fixed bedspring,measured with makes length L
(2) in the elastic limit,in spring hook hang a force of F1,with measured the length of L1 at spring
(3) modeled (step 2) F2F3F4F5 obtained respectively with L2L3L4L5
(4) finishing equipment
(1) in the readings makes possible some error,but can be repeated operation reduce errors of the experimental effect
(2) in hand movement makes reading may result in spring form variables and the hand movement previous data are not identical,cause accidental error
(3) in the experiment,the spring without and perpendicular to the ground,cause data is error

Elastic limit're: to study the deformation caused by spring with spring force F type variable X is inversely proportional to verify the hooker theorem is formed
Hypothesis: in the elastic limit sp...


Elastic limit're: to study the deformation caused by spring with spring force F type variable X is inversely proportional to verify the hooker theorem is formed
Hypothesis: in the elastic limit spring form variables with X is inversely proportional to the outside force F. Spring elongation of length with external force and the increase of growth
Procedure: (1) fixed bedspring, measured with makes length L
(2) in the elastic limit, in spring hook hang a force of F1, with measured the length of L1 at spring
(3) modeled (step 2) F2F3F4F5 obtained respectively with L2L3L4L5
(4) finishing equipment
(1) in the readings makes possible some error, but can be repeated operation reduce errors of the experimental effect
(2) in hand movement makes reading may result in spring form variables and the hand movement previous data are not identical, cause accidental error
(3) in the experiment, the spring without and perpendicular to the ground, cause data is error



Purpose : research within the maximum flexibility to spring deformations some f and spring types are all variables x into the validation hoek theorem is established within the limits of the hypothesis...


Purpose : research within the maximum flexibility to spring deformations some f and spring types are all variables x into the validation hoek theorem is established within the limits of the hypothesis : elastic spring form variables x and external force f to all. the elongation at length with the growth in external forces and procedure : ( ) spring, with a fixed scale measured the length l ( 2 ) in their flexibility, within limits in the spring on the hook up a force, with springs f1 by l1 ( measured the length of three steps ) patterned( ) ( 2 copies of three steps to reach ) f2f3f4f5 l2l3l4l5 ( four ) ( 1 ) in the equipment on a graduated scale reading may present some errors, but through much repetition operations about the impact of possible errors ( 2 ) in scale as a move may lead to the deformations in hand to shift the amount of data is not the same, the accidental error ( three ) in the experiment, spring is perpendicular to the ground with lead to a data error


翻译错咯不要赖我喔。。 西西、
purpose:Research within the maximum flexibility to the outside agent exerts a force f deformations and spring types are all variables x into the validation hoek theor...


翻译错咯不要赖我喔。。 西西、
purpose:Research within the maximum flexibility to the outside agent exerts a force f deformations and spring types are all variables x into the validation hoek theorem is established
hypothesis:The maximum flexibility in the spring form variables x and external force f to all. the elongation at length with the size and growth of external force
procedure:(1)With a spring scale measured the length L
(2)In their flexibility, within limits in the spring on the hook up a force, with springs f1 by l1 measured the length of
(3)Patterned (2) steps to reach l2l3l4l5 f2f3f4f5
(4) the equipment
(1)in on a graduated scale reading may present some errors, but through much repetition operations about the impact of possible errors
(2)in scale as a move may lead to the deformations in hand to shift the amount of data, made an error
(3)in the experiment, spring is perpendicular to the ground with lead to a data error
唉。。。。累死啦。。 真是的。。 不给我分就是你木有良心呐。。
我可是一句句的翻译呢。 (*^__^*) 嘻嘻……


英语翻译purpose:研究弹性限度内引起弹簧形变的外力F与弹簧型变量X是否成反比验证胡克定理是否成立hypothesis:在弹性限度内弹簧形变量X与外力F成反比.弹簧的伸长长度随着外力的增大而增 (2007年湖州市)科学家胡克经过大量的实验研究发现,在弹性限度内,弹簧的伸长 弹簧测力计原理:在弹性限度内 后面写什么? 在弹性限度内,弹簧限度的长度Y与所挂物体质量X之间的关系 弹簧发生弹性形变,即必须在弹性限度内.原引自胡克定律F=kx的成立条件./弹簧发生弹性形变,即必须在弹性限度内 在弹性限度内,只有拉力对弹簧做功50J弹簧的弹性势能可能不变吗 在弹性限度内,用力将弹簧拉力器拉得越长,弹簧拉力器具有的弹性势能就 什么是弹性限度?弹簧使用受弹性限度影响吗? 根据机械能守恒定律,在弹性限度内,弹簧压缩量等于弹簧伸长量吗?为什么 如果弹簧形变不在弹性限度内、那么胡克定律还可用么 (2/2)在弹性限度内,求该弹簧的劲度系数 在弹性限度内的不同弹簧,形变大的则弹力大吗 在弹性限度内,物体形状变化越什么,产的生弹力就越什么 为什么不能说“在弹性限度内,弹簧的长度与拉力成正比” 一根弹簧,原长12cm,如果在弹性限度内每挂1kg物体,弹簧伸长0.5cm,那么在弹性限度内挂了xkg物体后,弹簧 一道科学题(十分钟内有加分!)科学家胡克经过大量实验研究发现,在弹性限度内,弹簧的伸长△x与他所受的拉力F成正比,即F=k△x,由弹簧的结构和材料决定,小强将某种新材料制成的实心球与 在弹性限度内,拉力相同伸长量也相同的弹簧他们的劲度系数一定相同吗? 在杨氏模量的实验中,金属丝不按比例增加的原因?金属丝的拉伸在弹性限度内