基础英语语法问题Western powers found that it was easy to force her to accept unequal conditions.这句中用了 was ,为什么后面的accept不用加ed呢?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 06:50:04

基础英语语法问题Western powers found that it was easy to force her to accept unequal conditions.这句中用了 was ,为什么后面的accept不用加ed呢?
Western powers found that it was easy to force her to accept unequal conditions.这句中用了 was ,为什么后面的accept不用加ed呢?

基础英语语法问题Western powers found that it was easy to force her to accept unequal conditions.这句中用了 was ,为什么后面的accept不用加ed呢?
句型是 it is/was easy (for sb.) to do sth.
“强迫某人做某事”是 force sb.to do sth.

was done (be done )是一个被动结构,这里的was 是系动词, it was easy to force her to accept .... 意为: 逼迫她接受不平等条款是一件容易的事情。

to do 后面用的是不定式结构,不定式to后面跟动词原形,

force sb to do sth 迫使某人做某事,这是固定句型 一般to后面加的都是动词原形.

基础英语语法问题Western powers found that it was easy to force her to accept unequal conditions.这句中用了 was ,为什么后面的accept不用加ed呢? 英语语法的基础 Western 怎么掌握英语语法,刚刚有基础 请问怎么自学英语语法,零基础, 泡泡英语小升初英语语法基础答案 “英语语法问题”用英语怎么说? 英语语法问题:什么是限定词啊? 英语语法问题(关于代词) 英语语法问题 这句有什么错误 英语语法问题 基础的I have decided to move to a city.分析句子成分I是主语have decided 是谓语to move 是宾语那city是什么 最基础的英语语法问题life's been pretty good.这是什么时态的?is 和been是做什么成分的? 问个基础的英语语法问题在疑问句中什么时候加DID等助动词,什么时候不加?比如where did you go,who wrote you this letter 一个基础英语语法问题.I would rather select English.中的谓语是哪几个词,would rather 在语法上叫什么成分? 张道真英语语法和薄冰英语语法哪适合基础较薄弱的张道真英语语法和薄冰英语语法哪一本更适合基础较薄弱的人? 找一本英语语法书!最基础的、.最好是超级基础的,我现在都初二了,但是语法连什么是名词都不知道.价钱不是问题 英语语法的书从最基础的开始(我英语很烂)要全点的,我忙着补语法。还有基础点的阅读理解和完形填空如果好的,再加100分不是问题 化学最基础问题