11、 就在我做完作业时,父母和其他亲戚已经又种了20棵树.(by the time ,another)12、 据说今晚1点半有一部很成功的电视剧,我们不可能熬夜到那样晚.(it is said ,stay up)13、 上周五她在去医院的

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 15:15:58

11、 就在我做完作业时,父母和其他亲戚已经又种了20棵树.(by the time ,another)12、 据说今晚1点半有一部很成功的电视剧,我们不可能熬夜到那样晚.(it is said ,stay up)13、 上周五她在去医院的
11、 就在我做完作业时,父母和其他亲戚已经又种了20棵树.(by the time ,another)
12、 据说今晚1点半有一部很成功的电视剧,我们不可能熬夜到那样晚.(it is said ,stay up)
13、 上周五她在去医院的路上,车坏了.幸运的是,车很快修好了.(one the way to ,repair)
14、 我昨天给你描述外星人之前,你想象过他们如何吃、怎样穿、咋个行吗?(describe ,imagine)
15、 昨天下午赵鸿等待李伟和张平早点去练习踢足球,但他两位都没有来.(wait for ,show up)

11、 就在我做完作业时,父母和其他亲戚已经又种了20棵树.(by the time ,another)12、 据说今晚1点半有一部很成功的电视剧,我们不可能熬夜到那样晚.(it is said ,stay up)13、 上周五她在去医院的
11、 就在我做完作业时,父母和其他亲戚已经又种了20棵树.(by the time ,another)
By the time I finished my homework,my parents and other relatives had planted 20 trees more.
12、 据说今晚1点半有一部很成功的电视剧,我们不可能熬夜到那样晚.(it is said ,stay up)
It is said there is going to be a very successful TV play at 1:30 tonight,but it is impossible that we can stay up that late.
13、 上周五她在去医院的路上,车坏了.幸运的是,车很快修好了.(on the way to ,repair)
The car was broken down when she was on the way to the hospital.Fortunately,the car was repaired quickly.
14、 我昨天给你描述外星人之前,你想象过他们如何吃、怎样穿、咋个行吗?(describe ,imagine)
Have you ever imagined how the aliens eat,dress and walk,before I described the aliens to you yesterday?
15、 昨天下午赵鸿等待李伟和张平早点去练习踢足球,但他两位都没有来.(wait for ,show up)
Zhao Hong was waiting for Li Wei and Zhang Ping to practise soccer yesterday afternoon,but neither of them ever showed up.

11. By the time I finished my homework, my parents and the other relatives had already planted another 20 trees.
12. It is said that there is a very successful TV show on at one tonight, but I can...


11. By the time I finished my homework, my parents and the other relatives had already planted another 20 trees.
12. It is said that there is a very successful TV show on at one tonight, but I can't stay up that late.
13. Last Friday on the way to the hospital, her car broke. Luckily, the car was repaired quickly.
14. Before I described aliens to you yesterday, did you imagine how they ate and dressed?
15. Yesterday afternoon Zhao Hong waited for Li Wei and Zhang Ping to go practice soccer earlier, but both of them didn't show up.


11 By the time I finished homework, my parents and relatives had already planted another twenty trees.
12 It is said that there is going to be a wonderful TV series on 1 am tonight, but it is impo...


11 By the time I finished homework, my parents and relatives had already planted another twenty trees.
12 It is said that there is going to be a wonderful TV series on 1 am tonight, but it is impossible for me to stay up that late.
13 Her car broke down on the way to the hospital last friday. Fortunately, it was repaired quickly.
14 Before I described aliens to you yesterday, have you ever imagined how they eat, dress and transport?
15 Yesterday afternoon, Zhao Hong waited for Li Wei and Zhang Ping to practice football together, but neither of them showed up.


By the time I finished my homework, parents and other relatives have and kind of 20 tree.
12It is said that there is a very tonight at successful dramas, we can't stay up to that night
13On Fr...


By the time I finished my homework, parents and other relatives have and kind of 20 tree.
12It is said that there is a very tonight at successful dramas, we can't stay up to that night
13On Friday she on the way to hospital, the car broke down. Luckily, the car quickly repaired.
14Yesterday I give you describe alien, before you imagined them how to eat, how to wear, how do?
15Yesterday afternoon ZhaoHong waiting for li wei and zhang ping go early practice to play football, but his two did not come.


11、 就在我做完作业时,父母和其他亲戚已经又种了20棵树.(by the time ,another)12、 据说今晚1点半有一部很成功的电视剧,我们不可能熬夜到那样晚.(it is said ,stay up)13、 上周五她在去医院的 我和父母一起拜访亲戚.用英语怎么说? 亲戚和父母为我过生日的作文 我平时一到周末做作业就做 得很慢,每次父母都很生气,这次为了给父母高兴一下,就骗他们作业做完了,其实我还有一大堆作业没做完,我该怎么办? 我每天在八点钟做完作业 学子宴讲话稿我今年考上了大学 家里准备办学子宴 来的都是亲戚和我父母的朋友 我在我父亲之后发言 要简单自然点的 控制在5-10句话就好了 星期六做作业和星期天做作业有什么区别?我想问一下,星期六做作业和星期天做作业有什么区别.我妈偏要我星期六就做完,但是我想只要在星期一之前做完不就行了?我又不是不做.今天因为心 我的寒假作业没做完怎么办RT我是七年级的我还一本文科的寒假园地忘在课桌里了怎么办 明天就报名了我和我妈说作业在考试前就做完了... 我是不是冷血动物……有时,我很怀疑,我是不是一个冷血动物.对于亲情,我真的冷淡.但对于爱情,我却很热情.小学时,父母就因为工作忙把我丢在亲戚家,所以和那些亲戚很好,但那时母亲家的. 英语翻译过去你常常和你的父母到公园去遛狗吗?昨天他们花了两个小时做完家庭作业.昨晚你爸爸在看电视时,你在做什么? 我现在暑假作业还没做完,要不要跟父母说还有一本 我每天在八点钟做完作业的英文翻译 在赶作业今晚必须做完、大神救救我 在我做完所有作业后用英语怎么说? 我父母总是让我看书、看书我读初一了,每当我一做完作业就差不多八点了,做完作业我就想画一画画啊,可是我一开始动笔,爸妈就叫我看语文书.我们两三天学一课,前两课我都背得滚瓜烂熟了, 英语翻译:我很快做完作业. 写作业时听音乐.父母总是不允许我在写作业时听音乐,可我觉得没什么.麻烦大家列举一些写作业听音乐的好处和坏处~让他们信服这样做不会阻碍我写作业. 学西班牙还是学意大利语好?给点建议啊!别复制了~我明年要去美国读书,美国西班牙语比较多,我意大利有很多朋友和亲戚,我父母有和意大利那边做一些合作的东西.以后我就生活在米粒坚了=