句子错误改正Do you think Lin Hai have a bag?并说明原因

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 06:56:34

句子错误改正Do you think Lin Hai have a bag?并说明原因
Do you think Lin Hai have a bag?并说明原因

句子错误改正Do you think Lin Hai have a bag?并说明原因
have 改成 has 因为linhai是第三人称,应该用单数形式

是啊 楼上高手 一下还没看出来 呵呵

找出句子中的错误并改正Do you think what do they have?xiexie 句子错误改正Do you think Lin Hai have a bag?并说明原因 I'd like to tell you what do I think of the TV show.句子中有一处错误,请改正. 找出句子中的错误 ,并改正 how do your friend Nancy feei?can l get some fruit to you? How do you think of the film Avatar?找出错误并改正 改正下列句子的错误 Those aren't her watchs Do you his friend? Not open the door ,please.Do you like play chess?找出句子中的错误并改正 Were you do your homework yesterday?找出这个句子的错误并改正 Do you enjoy ride a bicycle 找出下列句子中的错误并改正 Who do you think of is the best basketball player in China.这句话有错误吗有错请帮忙改正,并请分析下句子结构成分。这个句子是不是对宾语从句的主语进行提问? What do you think of the beaches in Sanya?It is lovely.找出句中一错误并改正 I think you will be tired after walk for a long time.读句子,找出错误并改正. 圈出下面句子中的错误,并把改正后正确的句子写出来:What subject do you good at? 找出对话中的错误并改正(英语)A:Sorry.Do you have a ruler?改正:—————B:Sorry.I do.改正:—————A:Do you think Lin Hai have one?改正:—————B:Yes,I think so.You can ask for him.改正:———— 下面句子中有一处错误,指出并改正 What's the weather likes?Do you play a instrument? 改正句子中的错误 do you his friend?找错误 并改正 Do you have some bananas?圈出错误,并改正