
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 03:15:22


If you want the best prices on electronics, you probably need to look online. Usually, the greatest deals are available on the internet and you can hardly find cheaper goods at a store near you. And this is pretty reasonable. When you buy something in a store, you don? just pay for the product ?you pay for the store? rent, bills,Air Jordan Shoes 23, and employees. When you buy online, the only extra cost will be shipping,Buy Air Jordan 2, and most of the time shipping is free. So why do people still buy electronics in stores? Mostly because of the need to see, feel and try the product they intend to purchase and sometimes, we all need a word of advice from a professional. So where should you buy? Well, it depends. Shopping online benefits: Accessible anywhere,Discount Air Jordan Shoes, anytime. All you need is an internet connection and you are done. No driving. No lines. No hassle. When buying online you can easily compare prices between a number of retailers without traveling all around town. It? all there with a click of a button. Selection and availability is never an issue when buying online. You can get product reviews from real customers and not only from store clerks eager to make a sale. Did we say price? And how about coupons? Notice that most sites have a coupon box and all you have to do is search google for a code and get 10% or free delivery. Easy as that. In store benefits: Buying in store let? you test the product before you commit to make the purchase. Once you pay, you get your product and the transaction is over. When you buy online there? an estimated shipping date and then you?e not home and have to go the post office and stand in line and maybe get the package next holiday season. Better costumer service. Even if you are an electronic buff, there? always a room for a word of advice from a knowledgeable salesman. Easy returns and exchanges. If you are not satisfied with the product, you can always go back to the store and return it. When you buy online you need to start dealing with the seller, pay delivery and restocking fees. So what is the bottom line in the buying online vs. buying in store question? Well, the best advice we can give you is to do both. No, really, do both! How? Do your window shopping outside and make the purchase online. Or just find an electronic dealer who is both, like 1StopCamera, that has website with the best prices available and also a brick and mortar electronic store where you can get all your questions answered. You can not find better prices on electronics anywhere else and you definitely can? find a friendlier staff than 1 Stop Camera?. So go ahead,Nike Air Jordan Shoes, visit us online or come down to our Brooklyn electronics store and get what you always wanted, at the prices you always wanted. www.1stopcamera.com is your 1 stop retailer for all consumer electronics including televisions, home theater systems,Air Jordan Shoes 1, appliances and cameras.

在光滑的地面上放着用绳子连接的物体A、B和C,力F作用在C上(如图2).问那一对是平衡力?哪一对相互作用力?(1)、A对B的拉力和B对C的拉力.(2)、B对A的拉力和A对B的拉力.(3)、A对B的拉力 置于水平地面上质量分别为M和N的物体A和B用绳连接,在B上施加横力F,使两 物体匀加速运动.求绳拉力?地面不光滑 质量均为m的物体A,B置于光滑水平地面上,A以速度v0撞向静止在地面上的B,B的左端固 11、如图所示,在高为H的光滑平台上有一物体用绳子跨过定滑轮C由地面上的人以均匀速度V0向右拉动,不计人的高度,当人从地面上平台的边缘A处向右行走距离S到达B处时,求:①物体的速度V为 两个物体A B 叠放着放在光滑的地面上,A在B上,两物体接触面粗糙,力F作用于B上,问;两个物体A B 叠放着放在光滑的地面上,A在B上,两物体接触面粗糙,力F作用于B上,问:是否能证明A的速度最大值 质量都是1 kg的物体A、B,中间用一轻弹簧连接,放在光滑的水平地面上.现使B物体靠在墙上,用力推物体A压缩弹簧,如图所示.这个过程中外力做功为8 J,待系统静止后突然撤去外力.从撤去外力到弹 冲量计算题质量都是1KG的物体A、B间用一轻弹簧连接,放在光滑的水平地面上,现使B物体靠在墙上,用力推物体A压缩弹簧,这个过程中外力做功8J,待系统静止后突然撤去外力到弹簧第一次恢复到 长为5m的细绳的两端分别系于竖立于地面上相距4m 的两杆顶端A,B绳子上挂一个光滑的轻质滑轮,连着为2kg的物体,求绳中张力 两物体A B 叠放在光滑的水平地面上两物体A B 叠放在光滑的水平地面上(A下B上),m1=8kg,m2=2kg,AB间的动摩擦因数u=0.2.将F=15N的水平外力作用在物体A上使之开始运动时,求AB间的摩擦力. B的重力给绳子一个向下的力,为A的向心力,为什么B又收到一个向上的力?在光滑水平转台上开有一小孔O,一根轻绳穿过小孔,一端栓一质量为1kg的物体A,另一端连接质量为1kg的物体B,已知O与A物间 通过绳子与物体B相连,假设绳子的质量以及 A 在光滑的水平桌面上有一个物体A,通过绳子与物体B相连,假设绳子的质量以及绳子与定滑轮之间的摩擦力都可以忽略不计,绳子不可伸长,如果mB=3mA, 如图所示,一个小物体A放在斜面B上,B放在光滑的水平地面上如图所示(这种图太通俗了),一个小物体A放在斜面B上,B放在光滑的水平地面上,现用水平恒力F推B使A与B相对静止一起通过一段路程 如图所示,质量分别为2m和m的两物体A、B叠放在一起,放在光滑的水平地面上,已知A、B间的?如图所示,质量分别为m和2m的两物体A、B叠放在一起,放在光滑的水平地面上,已知A、B间的最大摩擦力为A 如图所示,一倾角为α的斜面体置于固定在光滑水平地面上的物体A,B之间,斜面体恰好如图所示,一倾角为α的斜面体置于固定在光滑水平地面上的物体A、B之间,斜面体恰好与物体A、B接触.一质 如图一质量为M的斜面,倾角为θ,放置在光滑的水平面上,斜面上有A,B两个物体,质量分别为m1,m2,与斜面摩擦因数分别为u1,u2,且u1》u2》tanθ,中间用一根绳子连接,绳子处于伸直状态,现AB静止在斜面 质量分别为mA,mB的两物体A,B放在光滑的水平地面上,A物体受到力F的作用使A,B一起做加速运动,则A,B两物体间的作用力是多少?(图为 A、B两物体靠在一起,放在光滑的水平面上,受到一个向右的力F 如图所示,轻质弹簧连接A、B两物体,A放在水平地面上,B的上端通过细线挂在天花板上 如图所示,轻质弹簧连接A、B两物体,A放在水平地面上,B的上端通过细线挂在天花板上