找一首英语的诗 关于宇宙的很容易明白,但是内容很深奥的那种英语诗.可以使讲哲学的,生活的,当然那种宇宙观的也可以.爱情不要.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 16:49:55

找一首英语的诗 关于宇宙的很容易明白,但是内容很深奥的那种英语诗.可以使讲哲学的,生活的,当然那种宇宙观的也可以.爱情不要.
找一首英语的诗 关于宇宙的

找一首英语的诗 关于宇宙的很容易明白,但是内容很深奥的那种英语诗.可以使讲哲学的,生活的,当然那种宇宙观的也可以.爱情不要.
A breath in the dark.
There might have been a breath.
Who knows?
Out of chaos
comes order,
making more chaos,
for ever.
The simplest origin
leads to the joys
found and seen
in endless repetition;
each new repetition
a new flavour
of something that came before;
only somehow slightly different -
the survival of the fittest
is enancted mostly by individuals
whose eyes are closed to these nuances.
Eyes open briefly:
the inspiration to
overcome fatigue
is often thin;
but I feel that now
I can't close them to the world.
The universe
is self-organised,
and so are we;
and so is all life.
A mirror
inside a mirror
reflects endless
life stems from life,
stems from unlife,
stems from chance -
all odds behold a lucky winner
(or winners).
And so we find ourselves
upright and thinking -
at the whims of evolution,
whose outcomes we can never know.
the future will be beautiful;
but I cannot say
what it holds.
But I'm sure it holds
endless sonatas,
and many beautiful things
of great majesty.
Let us just hope
that destruction can be avoided;
it will happen.
But great beauty will always come
from the humblest of beginnings;
chaos is both birth and destruction:
chaos is all that will ever be.
So take your chances
whilst you can still take them,
because the chances are
that you might never get to see
rose petals.