动宾关系是什么?别给我弄一篇字!如题The message is very important,so it is supposed ( ) as soon as possible.A to be sent B to send 答案说由于send与其逻辑主语the message 之间是动宾关系.所以选A.难道动宾关系就

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 09:42:41

动宾关系是什么?别给我弄一篇字!如题The message is very important,so it is supposed ( ) as soon as possible.A to be sent B to send 答案说由于send与其逻辑主语the message 之间是动宾关系.所以选A.难道动宾关系就
The message is very important,so it is supposed ( ) as soon as possible.
A to be sent B to send
答案说由于send与其逻辑主语the message 之间是动宾关系.所以选A.

动宾关系是什么?别给我弄一篇字!如题The message is very important,so it is supposed ( ) as soon as possible.A to be sent B to send 答案说由于send与其逻辑主语the message 之间是动宾关系.所以选A.难道动宾关系就
这里用的词组是:be supposed to do sth 应该做什么
send 与 the message 是动宾关系,send是动作,message作宾语,但这是一个被动关系,所以要写成be supposed to be send.

send与the message 之间是动宾关系,且含被动关系

Ihave sth to do 这里do和I的关系式我做。主谓的关系,所以用主动的

被动语态 因为 消息message只能被送出sent
如果说: 他送出了消息, 送出 和 消息 也是动宾关系,但就不用be sent 了 明白了么?

此处的be是被动语态的需要,the message 是被发送出去,所以用被动语态。

be supposed to do
这里的do 就是 be sent 所以与message为 动宾关系
记住词组 问题就好做了

message 不能send吧,只能被发,所以用be sent ,前面那个to是supposed的固定搭配。