
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 03:49:50


every succesful man can not travel in two ways,Jay dosen't make the exception too.as we know,he is born talent of music.we can say his study is not good enough,but he indulged himself in the world of music.with his extraodinary style of creating music,he becomes one of the greatest musician in china.but we can not just see his glory but ignore his formidable way to gain the golden price.he was born in a poor family,which shocked him a lot,this also gives him the spirit to think his songs.his hard working can not be negliged.under the pressure of study,he overcome all the baffle,derives his nothing-to-compair place.every mountain has a peak,every valley has its low point,life has its ups and downs,its peaks and valleys.no one is up all the time,nor are they down all the time.problems do end.they are al resolved one day.shall we also learned something from Jay?

Jay Chou's success
A rough childhood
24-year-old Jay Chou is a single-parent families in Taipei have grown up.
His mother was a secondary school teacher, his father when young and mothe...


Jay Chou's success
A rough childhood
24-year-old Jay Chou is a single-parent families in Taipei have grown up.
His mother was a secondary school teacher, his father when young and mother divorced.
It is for this reason, the mother put all the hopes pinned on him.
Jay Chou, when 3-year-old mother to see him very talented in music,
Does not hesitate to take out all of their savings at home, bought him a piano.
Therefore, Chou childhood deprived of the right to play, all the days are spent next to the piano.
Each practice can be a time when, on hearing the sound嬉闹peer out the window, he would always playing absent-minded.
Then, with his mother on a stick, standing behind him, has been staring at him练完Guoqin.
Mother's "stick education" is Jay Chou single-handedly talked a good piano
But also from a young age does not love his speech, eccentric character, academic performance has been poor.
Chou admitted to high school in Taipei after the fresh water, as will be playing, he suddenly became the school's "well-known figures."
When his classmates can now nervously prepared to university, he still indulged in the music-loving way.
In the eyes of ordinary people, his future is uncertain.
Because at that time, an ordinary family origin of children,
His best option is to study mathematics, natural sciences and computer in order to find a good job in future to make a living,
The music is a luxury for the rich. Apparently, they can not afford that luxury Chou.
Sure enough, in June 1996, after graduating from high school at the Jay Chou can not find a job, they go to a restaurant when the candidates of the name service.
His daily work is to cook food to a restaurant to do a good job and then spread to the guests before the waitress.
The work appears to be simple, but really is not easy to do.
Because more guests, it will be easier Cook Chuan wrong.
Once made the mistake, serving not only by angry customers, but the boss still withholding salaries.
Despite a lot of work and separate, but Jay Chou's love of music continue to increase.
Each made a wage, he就往music supermarket run, almost all the money spent to buy tape.
Usually he likes to necessarily carry the player, nothing heard music.
On one occasion, feeling good hands Chou holding a dish, while walking songs,
Do not want to, he had accidentally hit with a waitress with a, a hot all the waitresses who sprinkle the body.
The waitress's hand was hot dishes out blisters, pain and burst into tears.
Restaurant manager heard the cries and immediately rush over.
He severely criticized Jay a pass, and bluntly Chou fined 2,000 Taiwan dollars (equivalent to RMB 450 or so).
Jay Chou poor language without saying a word, the tears, straight to the stomach pharynx.
To know that he was only 4,000 yuan monthly salary of NT you!
And now, all of a sudden they were deducted half of the manager, how can they have money to buy his tape ah!
This matter shortly after the restaurant's owner to improve the grade of the restaurant,
In a restaurant with a piano, would like to take guests to eat when the musicians add to the fun.
Several were invited to the pianist, are due to substandard boss fired tastes.
One day after work, the boss手痒not take advantage of the Jay Chou,
The brand-new planes with a piano recital of his own just a song,
Let employees by surprise: This has never been the big boys love the speech, are still playing the piano!
Very quickly, it spread to the boss on the ears.
Jay called the boss immediately and let him in the hall as a musician playing his own music creation.
A few days later, he informed the local television stations, where the attendant said that he will not only play the piano, but also to write songs.
In this way, the owner of television stations by speculation and kill two birds with one,
Not only improve the visibility of the restaurant, but also saves a lot of requests the musician costs.
Since then, Jay Chou, when no longer a waiter, but a day sitting in piano playing.
At the beginning, he can also play their own creative pieces can be a long time, with some of the guests on the song request.
In this way, he will have to follow the mood of the guests playing the music.
Once again, the restaurant guests have a birthday, I hope to play a lighthearted Jay Chou's music.
Unfortunately, at this time could be another boss after excessive drinking is a major releases Da notes, saying that he would listen to point stimulation.
见此scenes, your birthday is not a sign of weakness,
From the bag took out a big money again and again,
"啪"地一声fell in front of Jay Chou said: "谁怕谁Yes, I would like to listen to" Under the Moonlight Night "!"
Dispute between the two sides, who also does not give way, almost a fight. Chou inspiration,
He said: "You are guests here, the money I do not want to. Now, I come to a music concert, you guess,
Who you guess it right, will follow me to sing the accompaniment. "Both see it is a good idea, they gladly agreed.
In this way, the smart bombs of the first Jay a light, so that birthday guests guess,
Then bounced a strange symphony, let guests guess drunk.
After a few songs down, both sides are very satisfied, not only failed to fight, but also each other's duet together.
In this way, click on the restaurant's atmosphere to ease down. The boss very happy to Jay Chou immediately up wages, a monthly salary of 7,000 yuan NT.

