
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 02:11:50


Novel " Araby "
• Irish writer James Joyce's famous short story collection of outstanding
" Dubliners " in a representative works , this novel is not only clearly showing that Joyce's writing style to other mainstream realism beyond the bold writing techniques to explore and try and use their unique writing a novel skills "spiritual epiphany " - and a " stream of consciousness" writing style is similar to but different emphasis on characterization of complex inner world of writing techniques - to probe the human spirit in the world , showing the sense of instantaneous reaction protagonist , psychological changing and complex inner feelings . In this paper, the protagonist 's psychological experience for a detailed analysis: from hero boy living environment for social confusion, bewilderment and disappointment of love , disappointment to the family , to the spirit of the hero's final epiphany . Focuses on the mental state changes from hero to start , revealing the protagonist has gone from confusion and despair to the complex process of spiritual epiphany psychological changes . In order to analyze the profound meaning of "spiritual epiphany " of writing skills and unique writing style and the author of works : from the little boy hero of pure love and Arabi market full of hope and infinite longing to the last little boy's confusion and disappointment to reveal the Irish author was dark , decadent , lifeless , dark social confusion and despair ; small boy finally "spiritual epiphany " to express to the dawn of Irish society after dark longing and anticipation.

英语翻译小说《阿拉比》是爱尔兰著名作家詹姆斯•乔伊斯的优秀短篇小说集《都柏林人》中的一篇代表性作品,这篇小说不但充分显示出乔伊斯对主流现实主义写作手法之外的其他写作 英语翻译小说《阿拉比》是詹姆斯•乔伊斯的短篇小说集《都柏林人》中的一篇,它不但充分显示出乔伊斯对主流现实主义写作手法外其他写作手法的大胆尝试,而且运用自己的一种新颖独 英语翻译只知道是爱尔兰方言. 英语翻译我就知道“侬”是“你”,“阿拉”是“我”. 《老人与海》是根据美国著名作家(谁)的小说(哪部) 求小说Araby的时代背景的英文介绍詹姆斯.乔伊斯的小说Araby(阿拉比)是都柏林人的其中一篇,现求Araby小说写作时的时代背景介绍,要英文的啊~~急!新人分数不多,好的就给啊. 爱尔兰的语言是? 《故乡》是 中国著名作家鲁迅创作的一篇小说.请分析作者通过小说表达了什么样的情感态度.小说在人物塑造 安徒生是__著名作家 老舍是现代著名作家.原名______,字______.他的作品有小说,话剧,收在里. 老舍是我国现代著名作家,他的代表作品有小说《 》,话剧《 》等.他曾被授予“ ”的光荣称号. 阿拉比卡咖啡豆的生长环境是怎样的啊 英语翻译米孔个则么斯阿拉就伐要了啥意思? 英语翻译人生悲剧有二:一是不遂心愿,二是得遂心愿.【爱尔兰】 萧伯纳 英语翻译1.我读了美国著名作家海明威的小说《老人与海》.我十分佩服小说中老渔夫的意志,故事中的老人是强悍与智慧的.他虽已不再年轻,但他用他超凡的勇气、丰富的经验和坚强的意志依 英国著名作家弗吉尼亚伍尔夫第一篇意识流小说是什么? 下列哪一部小说不是著名作家金庸的作品? 前苏联著名作家奥斯特洛夫斯基写的著名小说是什么