
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 17:59:53

The Crisis Hits Indonesia Despite its impressive economic record,Indonesia was hit very hard by the Asian financial crisis from mid-1997.Indonesia was highly vulnerable because most of its long-term development investment in recent years had been based on short-term finance channeled through a poorly structured and badly regulated finance industry.Much of this capital had also been directed into a bloated construction sector.But the country's greatest weakness was its feeble political institutions,dominated by an aging president who had refused to bow to the pressures for reform that had been building for at least a decade.The government's incapacity to respond effectively to the fall of the rupiah led to a collapse of domestic and international confidence in the Indonesian economy.The ensuing political turmoil hastened the downward spiral of economic collapse.
The crisis was triggered by the fall of the Thai currency in mid-1997,which quickly flowed on to other Southeast Asian currencies.After some initial resilience,the Indonesian rupiah was subjected to heavy downward pressure from August 1997.This forced Indonesia's central bank,Bank Indonesia,to abandon its policy of fixing the currency within a prescribed band and to allow the currency to float freely.But the real problems emerged when panic selling of the rupiah revealed the huge exposure to short-term foreign debt on the part of Indonesian banks and other concerns.The Government's regulatory control of the financial sector was also revealed to be very poor.In a few months the rupiah had fallen far below anyone's worst predictions.
相思几许今夜 能不能把英译中的也翻出来
相思几许今夜 翻得不错 感激不尽

The current uneven distribution income in China is mirrored by the less and less percentage which people's labor income holds in the entire major wealth distribution.
As a matter of fact,governments of all levels and enterprises involved in international trade cope with it calmly when facing with the challanges of severe shrinkage of external demands.And the international competitivess of our labor-intensive products with traditonal strength does not fall but rises to some extent.
This year the Chinese government will accelerate the adjustment of the pattern of national income distribution and gradually increase the percentage that the people's income hold in the national income distribution.
China's volume of import and export totals 2207.27billion Dollors in 2009,13.9% decrease over the previous year,which is lower than the average decline.China's export volume surpasses Germany and ranks the first of the world.
A series of figures released by WTO shows how severly the financial crisis which sweeps the globe has injured the global economy and global trade.WTO holds after analysis that the major cause for trade decline is the shinrage of the demands of the major global economies.
The Crisis Hits Indonesia Despite its impressive economic record,Indonesia was hit very hard by the Asian financial crisis from mid-1997.Indonesia was highly vulnerable because most of its long-term development investment in recent years had been based on short-term finance channeled through a poorly structured and badly regulated finance industry.Much of this capital had also been directed into a bloated construction sector.But the country's greatest weakness was its feeble political institutions,dominated by an aging president who had refused to bow to the pressures for reform that had been building for at least a decade.The government's incapacity to respond effectively to the fall of the rupiah led to a collapse of domestic and international confidence in the Indonesian economy.The ensuing political turmoil hastened the downward spiral of economic collapse.
The crisis was triggered by the fall of the Thai currency in mid-1997,which quickly flowed on to other Southeast Asian currencies.After some initial resilience,the Indonesian rupiah was subjected to heavy downward pressure from August 1997.This forced Indonesia's central bank,Bank Indonesia,to abandon its policy of fixing the currency within a prescribed band and to allow the currency to float freely.But the real problems emerged when panic selling of the rupiah revealed the huge exposure to short-term foreign debt on the part of Indonesian banks and other concerns.The Government's regulatory control of the financial sector was also revealed to be very poor.In a few months the rupiah had fallen far below anyone's worst predictions.

1. China's current income uneven distribution of the main performance for residents labor income distribution of wealth in the whole element the proportion of the lower and lower.
2. In fact in ex...


1. China's current income uneven distribution of the main performance for residents labor income distribution of wealth in the whole element the proportion of the lower and lower.
2. In fact in external demand serious atrophy the challenges of China from the governments at all levels to foreign trade enterprise ctively, a traditional advantage of labor-intensive products international competitiveness up not down.
3. The Chinese government this year will speed up the adjustment of the distribution of the national income, gradually increasing household income in the national income distribution of income.
4 year 2009 China import and export 22072.7 billion dollars, year-on-year drop 13.9%, lower than the world average declined. Export over Germany leapt world first place.
5 The WTO released a series of Numbers, and shows that swept the global financial crisis for the world economic development and global trade trauma is deep. The WTO analysis holds that lead to trade decline is the main cause of the world's major economies demand.


1. China's current income uneven distribution of the main performance for residents labor income distribution of wealth in the whole element the proportion of the lower and lower.
2. In fact in e...


1. China's current income uneven distribution of the main performance for residents labor income distribution of wealth in the whole element the proportion of the lower and lower.
2. In fact in external demand serious atrophy the challenges of China from the governments at all levels to foreign trade enterprise ctively, a traditional advantage of labor-intensive products international competitiveness up not down.
3. The Chinese government this year will speed up the adjustment of the distribution of the national income, gradually increasing household income in the national income distribution of income.
4 year 2009 China import and export 22072.7 billion dollars, year-on-year drop 13.9%, lower than the world average declined. Export over Germany leapt world first place.
5. WTO released a series of Numbers, and shows that swept the global financial crisis for the world economic development and global trade trauma is deep. The WTO analysis holds that lead to trade decline is the main cause of the world's major economies demand.


造成当前中国收入分配状况的原因有哪些,收入分配不均对社会发展有哪些影响? 造成当前中国收入分配状况的原因有哪些,收入分配不均对社会发展有哪些影响?中国共 英语翻译1.中国当前的收入分配不均主要表现为居民劳动力收入在整个要素财富分配中的比重越来越低.2.事实上在外部需求严重萎缩的挑战中,中国从各级政府到外贸企业沉着应对,具有传统优 中国应如何解决入市后人民生活水平分布不均的问题 主要是城乡之间的收入分配不均 收入分配不均的原因? 有关收入分配不均的实例 收入分配不均的原因分条陈述 中国的收入分配状况 收入分配结构的英语翻译 联系我国当前收入分配的实际谈谈如何深化收入分配制度改革 收入分配不均对社会发展有哪些影响? 深化收入分配制度改革,为什么要强调收入分配公平针对当前收入分配领域 微观经济学论述题,分析市场经济条件下收入分配不公平的原因.提示:1、谈收入分配时答到第一次分配(市场机制)即可,2、市场竞争导致的结果就是垄断,垄断是造成现代社会收入分配不均 如何看待当前中国收入差距拉大的现象 我国当前在收入分配方面注重社会公平的重要体现有哪些? 英语翻译内容摘要改革开放以来,居民收入水平不断提高,但出于多种原因,我国居民收入差距也逐步拉大.而现行个人所得税制对收入分配不均的调控难以起到显著的效果.本文利用案例和相关 中国目前收入分配失衡的原因有哪些? 收入分配的概念?