关于像素和分辨率的问题(英文)拜托认真作答 我会给很高的分的You are working with this microscope configuration:@ Objective:50X NA 0.85@ Ocular:10X@ Relay Lens:Adjustable from 0.1X to 1.0X in steps of 0.1X,set initially at

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 19:38:19

关于像素和分辨率的问题(英文)拜托认真作答 我会给很高的分的You are working with this microscope configuration:@ Objective:50X NA 0.85@ Ocular:10X@ Relay Lens:Adjustable from 0.1X to 1.0X in steps of 0.1X,set initially at
拜托认真作答 我会给很高的分的
You are working with this microscope configuration:
@ Objective:50X NA 0.85
@ Ocular:10X
@ Relay Lens:Adjustable from 0.1X to 1.0X in steps of 0.1X,set initially at 0.5X
@ Image Detector (CCD Array) of 1024 X 768 pixels spaced 13.2 μm apart
@ You are using a green filter in your system which provides illumination of about 530 nm wavelength
You also have available in your laboratory the following additional components which are compatible with your microscope:
@ Objectives:10X,NA 0.25,20X NA 0.5,100X Oil immersion,NA 1.3.
@ Oculars:1X,2.5X,5X,15X,20X
a) What is the resolution of the objective lens,expressed in μm in the object plane (the stage of the microscope)?
b) What is the separation of two features just at the resolution limit of the microscope when projected onto the ccd array?
c) Using a factor of 2.3 for the Nyquist criteria,will the image be undersampled,ideally sampled,or oversampled at the CCD array?
d) Assume that you need at least the resolution available from your 50X objective.Selecting from the additional components above,what combination of components would allow you to achieve nearly ideal resolution at the image plane (CCD) which satisfies the Nyquist criteria?(There are a number of correct solutions to this question.You need only provide one.
e) What would be one advantage of setting up your microscope as you describe in ‘d’ above,compared to the original configuration?

关于像素和分辨率的问题(英文)拜托认真作答 我会给很高的分的You are working with this microscope configuration:@ Objective:50X NA 0.85@ Ocular:10X@ Relay Lens:Adjustable from 0.1X to 1.0X in steps of 0.1X,set initially at
@物镜:50倍 NA0.85
@图像检测器(CCD的阵列)为1024 x 768像素,间距13.2微米
@物镜:10倍、NA 0.25,20倍、NA 0.5,100倍 油浸泡、NA 1.3.


关于像素和分辨率的问题(英文)拜托认真作答 我会给很高的分的You are working with this microscope configuration:@ Objective:50X NA 0.85@ Ocular:10X@ Relay Lens:Adjustable from 0.1X to 1.0X in steps of 0.1X,set initially at 照片DPI分辨率问题PS里做张图修改DPI分辨率上面的宽多少像素和长多少像素也跟着改那有的相机拍的DPI只有72这影响分辨率吗如果作张5寸的照片把DPI改成800他分辨绿就有2800x4000那这个数和原 分辨率和像素是什么关系,分辨率的单位是 像素/英寸,那么分辨率不一样是不是照片大小就不一样 打比喻说明 像素和分辨率 的关系? 像素和分辨率是同一个概念吗? 像素和分辨率有什么区别? 320*234像素的分辨率 的英文表达英语口语里怎么表达这个意思? 我对于像素和分辨率的区别搞不清楚,比如三百万的像素和1024*768有联系吗, 宽度90像素和高度是120像素,分辨率是300的照片,长和宽应该是多少厘米. photoshop图像大小里面,像素宽度和高度单位是:像素,文档宽和高单位为:厘米,分辨率的单位应该是什么这种情况分辨率的单位应该是,像素/厘米,还是像素/英寸,为什么? 像素和分辨率怎么换算数码相机像素约500万,它所拍摄的图像的最高分辨率是多少,怎么算的 图像分辨率是指图像水平方向和垂直方向的像素个数吗? A4纸在分辨率位1600*900的情况下,宽度和高度分别是多少像素 ●(18)表明了显示屏上能够显示出的像素数目.(18)A.显示分辨率  B.图像分辨率  C.垂直分辨率  D 手机屏幕的像素(或是说分辨率)影响手机的拍照效果吗? 请详细解释一下photoshop“图像大小”里的分辨率(像素/英寸)? 854 x 480像素下屏幕大的分辨率高还是屏幕小的分辨率高啊?索尼爱立信(Sony Ericsson)MK16i和索尼爱立信(Sony Ericsson)ST18i ,正在这二者间抉择…… 如何调整照片的头部长度和宽度?具体图像规格:567像素(高)× 390像素(宽),头部宽度为248至283像素,头部长度为331至390像素,分辨率300dpi,图像文件大小在50kB以内.JPG格式.图像尺寸为48毫米(