
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 19:13:39


He is not as bad-tempered as Axi who has no sense of consequences and he is nothing like Lzzy who keeps silent as a habit as always.Moreover,he don't have a sharp tongue but a soft heart like Duff and he is not as cute and innocent as Steven.

Sorry, I have no ability to answer the question.

"He did not like Axl one up on the matter regardless of temper, and not as quiet as Izzy said nothing, not as outspoken as Duff sharp tongue, but not as naive as Steven cute. "

He is not as bad-tempered as Axi who has no sense of consequences and he is nothing like Lzzy who keeps silent as a habit as always.Moreover, he don't have a sharp tongue but a soft heart like Duff and he is not as cute and innocent as Steven.

He does not like Axl, a temper no matter regardless, not as quiet as Izzy says nothing, nor does it put my foot in the knife at the mouth like a Duff curd heart, nor as naive as Steven cute.

He is not as bad-tempered as Axi who has no sense of consequences and he is nothing like Lzzy who keeps silent as a...


He is not as bad-tempered as Axi who has no sense of consequences and he is nothing like Lzzy who keeps silent as a habit as always.Moreover, he don't have a sharp tongue but a soft heart like Duff and he is not as cute and innocent as Steven.


英语翻译他不会像Axl那样脾气一上来就不管不顾了,不会像Izzy那样安静的什么也不说,也不会像Duff那样口无遮拦刀子嘴豆腐心,更不会像Steven那样天真的可爱.PS,不要在线翻译的,那样不准... 英语翻译就像侦探故事里说的那样,他不消失**就会死~ 他想成为像.那样足球运动员.用英语翻译 瞧他那样,就像猪八戒见了西瓜() 英语翻译1.有人辱你,骂你,刁难你,诬陷你;你且夸他,赞他,捧他,惯着他.等惯出了爆脾气,自然有人抽他,打他,骂他,收拾他.2.3.困难像弹簧,你弱它就强.4.有时候女人需要一个男人,就像逃机者需 什么时候人类才可以去火星上生活?那样地球就不会像现在这样了. 英语翻译像爱屋及乌那样的 他觉得他非常幸运能像以前那样经常见到老朋友.的英语翻译! 为什么核电站不会像原子弹那样爆炸? 动物为什么不会像植物那样 雌雄同体? 不会打上来,就照上来了咯! 英语翻译《秘密花园》人生不如意事就如满天繁星,如果一遇到挫折就郁郁寡欢,那这个人也就一生也不会快乐.遇到挫折,我们应该像文中的玛丽那样,微笑面对.例如桌子上只有半杯牛奶了,悲观 英语翻译屏幕取词已经启用,但是停留在页面上还是不能像原来那样鼠标一停下来就能翻译? 英语翻译事实上,我今年21岁,半年或者一年后,也许,我会成为一个非常优秀的设计师,就像ChiChi那样. 二年级男孩理解和处理事物的能力差,作为家长如何提高他的理解和处理,计划事情的能力比如碰到一个新事物,他就往后缩,他不会像别的孩子那样,自己试着去尝试,动脑筋去解决,他就说我不会 英语翻译要两首 要短的 比如像祝你生日快乐那样 比他长些也行 英语翻译我希望世界像古时候那样是平的.我只要把地图折叠起来就可以旅行.不用飞机,不用加速列车,不用高速公路.我们之间不会再有任何距离.翻译得美一点哦, 英语翻译:(事情)就像发生在昨天那样(历历在目)