21.——We have worked for a long time,so let’s we _______ a rest.——That sounds good.A.stop to have B.stopped having C.stopped to have D.stop having怎么选.为什么

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 10:36:33

21.——We have worked for a long time,so let’s we _______ a rest.——That sounds good.A.stop to have B.stopped having C.stopped to have D.stop having怎么选.为什么
21.——We have worked for a long time,so let’s we _______ a rest.
——That sounds good.
A.stop to have B.stopped having C.stopped to have D.stop having

21.——We have worked for a long time,so let’s we _______ a rest.——That sounds good.A.stop to have B.stopped having C.stopped to have D.stop having怎么选.为什么
stop dong sth.:doing 是stop的宾语,是要停止的动作,表示停止某事
stop to do:to do是stop的状语,表目的,表示停下来去做某事
还有一个用法是stop sb.from doing sth.阻止某人做某事

to have 是不定式,做了stop的目的状语:停下来是为了休息,因为前句说工作很长时间了。having不能做目的状语,排除D;stop应该用原形做使役动词let的宾补,排除B和C

let’s 后+动词原型,排除B C
stop to do 表示放下手里的活去做另一件事
stop doing 表示停下做某事

stop to do something 是停下来做某事
stop doing something 是停止做某事

stop dong sth.:doing 是stop的宾语,是要停止的动作,表示停止某事
stop to do:to do是stop的状语,表目的,表示停下来去做某事
还有一个用法是stop sb. from doing sth.阻止某人做某事

21.——We have worked for a long time,so let’s we _______ a rest.——That sounds good.A.stop to have B.stopped having C.stopped to have D.stop having怎么选.为什么 翻译:we have worked out the production plan. We have worked for a long time,so_____ a restA stopped to haveB stop to have We have been working here for five years.We have been worked here for five years.有什么区别 英语翻译have i worked? by the time he retires ,my father ——for almost forty years .为什么不是has worked 而是will have worked I think we have worked out a s_______ for dealing with this situation We have same problems___out.A.to work B.works C.working D.worked 根据首字母填空:I think we have worked out a s____ for dealing with this situation. As is often the case,we have worked out the plan.这句话怎么翻译呢? we have worked there since the factory opened.为什么不是had as is often the case,we have worked out the production plan中文如何翻译 As is often the case,we have worked out the production plan. ___is often the case,we have worked out the production plan.为什么用as不用what 4. If you _____ faster, we could have turned in the project before the deadline.have worked或had worked请提供答案和讲解???说的不一样? we have worked out the plan and now we must put it into ()We have worked out the plan and now we must put it into_.(Afact Breality Cpractice Ddeed ) We have worked out the plan and now we must put it into_.(Afact Breality Cpractice Ddeed )说出理由 We have worked for three hours.Let's stop ( ) and have a rest.A.worging B.to work