It's wrong to ____some small advertisements at nightA.put up B.look up C.send up D.set up如果可以的话,麻烦解释一下.谢拉.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 22:22:05

It's wrong to ____some small advertisements at nightA.put up B.look up C.send up D.set up如果可以的话,麻烦解释一下.谢拉.
It's wrong to ____some small advertisements at night
A.put up B.look up C.send up D.set up如果可以的话,麻烦解释一下.谢拉.

It's wrong to ____some small advertisements at nightA.put up B.look up C.send up D.set up如果可以的话,麻烦解释一下.谢拉.
A.put up
(1) to build or raise something 建造;举起(某物)
例:They're going to put up 20 new houses here.
I've never put up a tent on my own.
She put up her umbrella.
(2) to put a notice in a public place 张贴(布告)
例:The exam results will be put up on the wall.
They put up posters advertising the meeting.
(3) to increase a cost or price 提高(成本);抬高(价格)
例:Most companies are expected to put their prices up by about 10% this year.
(4) give someone food and lodging 给(某人)提供食宿
例:Will you be able to put me up tonight?
B.look up (1)好转,改善(2)查资料,查字典(3)拜访,看望
C.send up (1)发出,射出,长出(2)呈递(报告、议案),使(价格、温度)上升(3)美国口语:把……送进监狱(4)英国口语:通过模仿取笑或讽刺
D.set up (1)安放,竖起(2)创立,建立,设立(3)使……开业(4)非正式:冤枉诬陷(某人)