
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 15:30:03

这是一个自我简介:我的名字叫皮特!家乡是山东聊城.我是应用化工专业08级学生.平时爱好广泛,比如打篮球,阅读之类的.特别喜欢听听英文歌曲,看看英文电影.我觉得英文电影里面带给观众的不止是视觉上的冲击,还有对社会对文化,对生命的独特思考.通过电影,我们可以了解到英语国家的民俗,他们的思维方式,他们的生存技巧和自我的价值观.我特别喜欢的电影有《闻香识女人》 《本杰明.巴顿奇事》《当幸福来敲门》.要是允许的话我还能朗诵里面的经典台词.这是我第一次参加关于英语的比赛.我希望大家能给我一次机会,给我一个展示的舞台.虽然我英语并不优秀,但大家就给我一次机会.

This is a self-brief introduction: Hello all of you here. My name is Pete! Shandong Liaocheng homeland. Chemical Engineering is the application of my 08 students. Peacetime-loving broad, such as playing basketball, reading like. Especially likes to listen to English songs, look at the English cinema. I think the English movie which brought the audience on more than a vision of the impact have on the community's culture, consider the uniqueness of life. Through the movie, we can understand that the English country folk, their way of thinking, their survival skills and self-values. I particularly enjoy the movie has "闻香识女人" "Benjamin. Barton Wonders" "The Pursuit of Happyness." If the permit so I can recite the classic lines inside. This is my first take part in English about the game. I hope everyone can give me an opportunity to give me a stage show. Although my English is not excellent, but everyone gave me a chance.