请你用first then next after that finally来描述你昨天做过的事.Yesterday I _______________________First,___________________________Then I _______________________Next I ____________________After that,_______________Finally I _______________

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 22:00:52

请你用first then next after that finally来描述你昨天做过的事.Yesterday I _______________________First,___________________________Then I _______________________Next I ____________________After that,_______________Finally I _______________
请你用first then next after that finally来描述你昨天做过的事.
Yesterday I _______________________
Then I _______________________
Next I ____________________
After that,_______________
Finally I __________________

请你用first then next after that finally来描述你昨天做过的事.Yesterday I _______________________First,___________________________Then I _______________________Next I ____________________After that,_______________Finally I _______________
Yesterday I went shopping,I bought a lot of things.First,I made a list of the things I need to buy.Then,I went out,took a bus,and arrived at Walmart.Next,I went in,and took a shopping basket.After that,I found the things according to my list.Finally,I bouthgt all things,I was so happy!
是上面那个不行吗 这样呢
Yesterday I had a good day.
First,I got up early,that made me feel fresh.
Then I had a tasty breakfast.I enjoyed it a lot.
Next I went shoping,and I bought a lot of things.
After that,I came back home,and watched TV while having supper.
Finally,I washed the dishes,and my mom praised me.

Yesterday I had very happy day.
First,I went to the fishing.
Then I had a picnic on the park.
Next I played the piano.
After that, I did my homework.
Finally I surfed the Internet.

用first,then,next,A fter that,怎么组句子? 用first,then,next,lastly造句 用first,next,then造一句子 Make a short story with first、next、then、finally 怎样用first.next.then造句 请你写一份制作香蕉奶昔的说明书.使用first,next,then,finally,等词. 用first,next,then,finally顺序词写作文 橘子汁的做法英文是用first,next,then,finally橘子汁的制作方法(英文)比如说:First,-------------------------------------Next,-------------------------------------Then,-------------------------------------Finally,-------------- 请你用first then next after that finally来描述你昨天做过的事.Yesterday I _______________________First,___________________________Then I _______________________Next I ____________________After that,_______________Finally I _______________ 英语作文 利用first、next、then、finally Tneed、First、Next、Then、Finally是什么意思? 在------,.next,.,then.句型中应该用at first还是first?why?但是答案是at first 英语作文.以 Last weekend为题 要用first,then,next,after,that等词写一遍小短文.注意啊.一定要用first,then,next,after,that. You must do your homework_______after school.A.first B.next C.finally D.then 关于first,next,then,finally通常情况下这么说,那么first,then,next,finally ___ cut up the pranges.___ put the oranges into the blender.___ pour the milk into the blender.___ mix it all up. A.Next;Then;At last;First B.First;At last;Next;Then C.First;Next;Then;At last D.First;Then;At last;Next 翻译并语法说明 Which of the following describes the right order?A.First – Next – Then –Afterwards – FinallyB.First – Then – Next – Afterward– FinallyC.First – Next – Afterwards –Then – FinallyD.First – Then – Next –Finally – Afterwar 用First..Next..Then..After that..写一句话快用过去式