请英语好的大神(最好是学国际贸易或者商务英语的)翻译下列一段话,谢谢!If a bill of exchange showing more than one on board notation is presented under a credit which requires drafts to be drawn, for example, at 60 days

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/08 20:03:53

请英语好的大神(最好是学国际贸易或者商务英语的)翻译下列一段话,谢谢!If a bill of exchange showing more than one on board notation is presented under a credit which requires drafts to be drawn, for example, at 60 days
If a bill of exchange showing more than one on board notation is presented under a credit which requires drafts to be drawn, for example, at 60 days after or from bill of lading date, and the goods according to both or all on board notations were shipped from ports within a permitted geographical area or region, the earliest of these on board dates will be used for calculation of the maturity date. Example: the credit requires shipment from European port and the bill of lading evidences on board vessel “A” from Dublin August 16, and on board vessel “B” from Rotterdam August 18. The draft should reflect 60 days from the earliest on board date in European port, i.e. August 16.

请英语好的大神(最好是学国际贸易或者商务英语的)翻译下列一段话,谢谢!If a bill of exchange showing more than one on board notation is presented under a credit which requires drafts to be drawn, for example, at 60 days

请英语好的大神(最好是学国际贸易或者商务英语的)翻译下列一段话,谢谢!If a bill of exchange showing more than one on board notation is presented under a credit which requires drafts to be drawn, for example, at 60 days 本人想买一部电子辞典,要求词汇量要大,薄一点的.价钱500以内.请大家介绍一款.最好是商务专用的。想学英语。 广州学英语、学英语口语、学商务英语口语哪里最好?要外教面授的,其它形式的不要. 国际商务谈判与国际贸易的关系 如何通过国际商务谈判促进国际贸易 请英语大神们帮我推荐一些比较好的英语文章的网站,最好是杂志或报纸一类的,对学英语有帮助的 怎样学商务英语口语?我的工作是商务,工作时总能碰到英语难题,所以想学好英语口语. 大连开发区学英语哪里好?最好是区内的 请帮我推荐一款学英语背单词的好软件最好是同时能练听力的 0基础学英语最好的教科书是?请推荐 哪里有好的商务英语口语对话呢?在外企上班,有时候必须有这种商务性质的对话,想好好补补英语,应该怎么样学英语口语呢? 日常商务英语口语哪里好?我是学商务的,想提升提下自己的英语水平 应用英语专业是商务,科技,旅游英语都学的吗急 ,正在疑惑选国际经济与贸易好还是应用英语好,应用英语是商务,科技,旅游这三方面都学的吗 ,还是到了一阶段后,你要自己选择一个方向,例如 请英语好的大神帮忙翻译下下面句子中式英语或者字面翻译的不要, 国际贸易的英语怎么说 想学英语,商务类的!基本上什么单词都不会,求推荐一本好的基本词汇书! 学英语最好的方法是什么?大神们帮帮忙 学英文秘书好,还是英语翻译好,还是英语国际商务,英语教育好? 找个有意思的学英语的方法拜托各位大神比如有什么好的电影或者其它的好方法