
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 20:22:41


August 3rd,2009
Today I went back to my hometown in the countryside.As soon as I got into the house,I was warmly welcomed by my grandparents.They were all very excited because we had not come back for a long time.
My cousin cooked many delicious dishes for lunch to celebrate the arrival of us.Both my elder sister and I felt very happy.In the late afternoon,the whole family went to the supermarket,because we were going to go to the seashore in the evening.We enjoyed ourselves too much to forget the time.It was late than 1 o’clock in the next morning when we came back home.Though we were blamed by our grandparents,we still felt very happy.
August 28th,2009
The whole family got up early in the morning,because it is my niece’s birthday today.we started to clear up the house as soon as we got up,burn incense and pray in front of the Buddha.Relatives and friends came when it was approaching noon,brought happiness and liveliness to the house.The party lasted from 1 o’clock in the afternoon the 5 o’clock,by then the relatives and friends left.I felt happy for the party,but sad for leaving Fujian,because we have to return back to Taiwan tomorrow.

third of august,2009
today i went back to my countryside home,as soon as i got into the house,i was welcomeed by my grandparents,both i and my elder sister were very happy.when the sun is setting ...


third of august,2009
today i went back to my countryside home,as soon as i got into the house,i was welcomeed by my grandparents,both i and my elder sister were very happy.when the sun is setting in the afternoon.a big crowd of our went to the supermarket to purchase,because we've planned to go to the seashore to have fan,we had so much fan and forgot the time,when we got home it's already 1 o'clock a.m.we were scolded,but we were all happy.
all the members of my family got up earlier this morning,because today my niece's one full year birth day,we started to clear up the house as soon as we get up,started to burn burn joss sticks,bow down and pray in front of the deity,when time is passed to almost noon,the relatives is coming one after another,it's crowded and noisy,1:00 p.m.the celebration was began,it's lasted to after 5:00 p.m.then people started to leave one after another.i felt happy,and also i felt unhappy,because i am gonna go back to taiwan tomorrow,leave fujian.


August 3, 2009
Today I returned to the countryside, a door would be welcomed by their maternal grandparents, they are excited, because we did a long time back.
Lunch time cook Biaozi very ri...


August 3, 2009
Today I returned to the countryside, a door would be welcomed by their maternal grandparents, they are excited, because we did a long time back.
Lunch time cook Biaozi very rich, to celebrate our arrival, I am very happy with the sister. Afternoon fast down the sun, we have a large group of people go off to the supermarket big acquisitions, because we are going to the beach at night to play. We played with do not know the time at home more than the time of 1:00, though has been criticized, but we are very happy.
August 28, 2009
Today, the family have played a very early, because today is my niece a birthday day. A bed, he started to clean house and began burning incense to Buddha, fast-noon, relatives and friends began to come one after another, extremely busy. 1:00, we celebrated the beginning until the 17 o'clock number, before being left. Very happy, but also some sad, because tomorrow we should rush back to Taiwan, and left the Fujian Province.


3th August of 2009
Today I went back to my countryside.I was greeted by my grandparents when I just arrived.They were so excited because I haven't been there for a long time.My cousin treated me t...


3th August of 2009
Today I went back to my countryside.I was greeted by my grandparents when I just arrived.They were so excited because I haven't been there for a long time.My cousin treated me to a generous lunch to celebrate our arrival.I really had a good time ,so did my sister.When the sun began to set ,we all went to the supermarket to do some shopping because we would go on an outing to the seaside at night.We had such a splendid time that we got home so late (Almost at 1.a.m.).Though we were criticized for our playfulness ,we felt so happy.
28th August of 2009
My family got up early today because it is my niece's first birthday.Then we clear up our house and burned incense .The guests came one after another at the approach of noon. At about 1p.m.,we start to have lunch and struck up a lively conversation.The celebration didn't come to an end until 5'o clock.We really had a good time.But,we also felt a little bit sad because we are leaving for Taiwan from Fujian.
纯人工翻译 如有不足之处请多多见谅 (*^__^*)...嘻嘻


英语翻译2009年8月3日今天我回到了乡下,一进门就受到外公外婆她们的欢迎,他们很兴奋,因为我们很久没回来了.午饭时,表姊煮得很丰盛,来庆祝我们的到来,我跟姐姐都十分开心.下午太阳快下 2012年8月3日到今天有多少天了.今天是2014年1月22日. 今天是明明的生日哟 明明说我今天11岁了,我是多少年出生的 注意 今天是2009年3月11日 今天2009年9月5日,我今年3岁,只过了一个生日,我几月几日? 英语翻译2009年1月20日,今天我在家里帮妈妈搞卫生,我负责扫地抹桌子,在家里搞了3个小时才搞完.弄得我都快累死了. 从2005年3月11日 到今天2009年8月24日 一共多少天了如题 2014 年10月8日哪里地震了今天 8月3日今天太阳风暴来了吗? 今天发生地震了吗?2009年3月28日今天发生地震了,晚上还会发生吗?2009年3月28日 2008年10月17号到今天2009年10月3日 一共多少天!如题!2008年10月17号到今天2009年10月3日 一共多少天不好意思...前面是我说错了2007年10月17号到今天2009年10月3号 一共多少天? 从今天起,2013年8月8日,至2014年6月14日还有几天?我想我要开始我的倒计时了. 2008年8月10日到今天过了多少天包括8月10日和今天 2012年的10月8日到今天多少天了,今天是12月13日 英语翻译弟弟今天我乘了火车去合肥好累啊.我要等3天后回来那里地方十分好又十分坏.晚上我们要去游泳.2007月8月23日 胡晓声 2009年8月12日,离今天多少天了? 从1992年2月4日到今天(2009年6月15日)一共过了多少天?谁有功夫帮我算下? 请帮忙算下从2008年10月5日到今天(2009年2月9日)一共过了多少天?我比较懒, 2009年3月26日距离今天有多少天了