The _____ way of marketing earns the company great success in the second quarter of this year.A.distinctive B.distinct C.distinguishing D.differingEven more interesting,from a business ________,is the so-called intranet – the collection of networks

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 15:28:43

The _____ way of marketing earns the company great success in the second quarter of this year.A.distinctive B.distinct C.distinguishing D.differingEven more interesting,from a business ________,is the so-called intranet – the collection of networks
The _____ way of marketing earns the company great success in the second quarter of this year.
A.distinctive B.distinct C.distinguishing D.differing
Even more interesting,from a business ________,is the so-called intranet – the collection of networks that connect computers within corporations — that both Sun and Microsoft have targeted as a rich area for growth.
A.\x05perspective\x05\x05B.\x05respective\x05\x05C.\x05reflective \x05\x05D.\x05impulsive
Negotiation could sometimes ________ these situations and produce more acceptable consequences for both parties.
A.\x05confuse \x05\x05B.\x05defuse \x05\x05C.\x05decline\x05\x05D.\x05refuse
The belief that one should work hard and be honest is deeply________ in our culture.
A.\x05incurred \x05\x05B.\x05ingrained \x05\x05C.\x05Ingredient\x05 D.\x05ingenuous
My study of space – how people experience it and create a model of the ________ world in the central nervous system – forced me to acknowledge the perceptual clichés of my culture.
A.\x05spatial \x05B.\x05Spacious C.\x05spectacular D.\x05secular
Children who become sensitive to allergens,such as cat hair,and suffer from wheezing in their first three years of life are ________ to developing asthma,according to an Article in this week’s issue of The Lancet.
A.\x05prescribed B.\x05 poignant C.\x05prone D.\x05petite
His enduring personality,rather than his good–looks,made him popular with others.
enduring 可替换为:
A.\x05enlisting \x05B.\x05engaging \x05C.\x05everlasting \x05D.\x05enhancing

The _____ way of marketing earns the company great success in the second quarter of this year.A.distinctive B.distinct C.distinguishing D.differingEven more interesting,from a business ________,is the so-called intranet – the collection of networks
The _____ way of marketing earns the company great success in the second quarter of this year.
Even more interesting,from a business ________,is the so-called intranet – the collection of networks that connect computers within corporations — that both Sun and Microsoft have targeted as a rich area for growth.
Negotiation could sometimes ________ these situations and produce more acceptable consequences for both parties.
\x09\x09B.\x09defuse \x09\x09
The belief that one should work hard and be honest is deeply________ in our culture.
\x09B.\x09ingrained \x09\x09
My study of space – how people experience it and create a model of the ________ world in the central nervous system – forced me to acknowledge the perceptual clichés of my culture.
Children who become sensitive to allergens,such as cat hair,and suffer from wheezing in their first three years of life are ________ to developing asthma,according to an Article in this week’s issue of The Lancet.
A C.\x09prone
His enduring personality,rather than his good–looks,made him popular with others.
enduring 可替换为:

1. A 解析: distinctive: 与众不同的
distinct: 明显不同的,不同种类的,clearly different or belonging to a different type
distinguished: 受人尊敬的,令人钦佩的,表现出众的
distinguishing: 特殊的,...


1. A 解析: distinctive: 与众不同的
distinct: 明显不同的,不同种类的,clearly different or belonging to a different type
distinguished: 受人尊敬的,令人钦佩的,表现出众的
distinguishing: 特殊的,区别的,特异的
2.A 解析:perspective :视觉 ,本句表示,从一个公司的角度看
respective: 各自的 reflective:沉思的,impulsive 冲动的,草率的
3. B 解析:confuse 使困惑, defuse 缓解,本句意思为:缓解情况
decline 减少 refuse 拒绝
4. B 解析: incur:(因自己的举动而)招致(不愉快的事),招惹,遭受
Ingrain: 生然的,生来的,根深蒂固的,V 使染色
5.B spatial 空间的 spacious 宽阔的,广阔的,spectacular 壮观的精彩的
secular 不与教会联系的
6. C 解析:prescribe: (给。。)开药,开处方,规定,
poignant 令人伤心的
be prone to 很可能 ,本句中表示很可能患有哮喘
petite 娇小的
7. C 解析: 本句中为: 持之以恒的性格 C的意思与之相同。
enlist 参军,入伍 B。参加 D 增加
