省略主语Huang's resolutions to oust current chairman Chen and Vice-President Sun Yiding were both defeated by a vote of about 52 percent to 48 percent.were前没有主语,省的主语指的是huang,还是后面两个人.这是什么语法现象,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 14:51:07

省略主语Huang's resolutions to oust current chairman Chen and Vice-President Sun Yiding were both defeated by a vote of about 52 percent to 48 percent.were前没有主语,省的主语指的是huang,还是后面两个人.这是什么语法现象,
Huang's resolutions to oust current chairman Chen and Vice-President Sun Yiding were both defeated by a vote of about 52 percent to 48 percent.

省略主语Huang's resolutions to oust current chairman Chen and Vice-President Sun Yiding were both defeated by a vote of about 52 percent to 48 percent.were前没有主语,省的主语指的是huang,还是后面两个人.这是什么语法现象,
主语是Huang's resolutions to oust current chairman Chen and Vice-President Sun Yiding,简单说是resolutions


省略主语Huang's resolutions to oust current chairman Chen and Vice-President Sun Yiding were both defeated by a vote of about 52 percent to 48 percent.were前没有主语,省的主语指的是huang,还是后面两个人.这是什么语法现象, WO XI HUANG YUAN s是什么 为什么英语不能省略主语? It's ()Huang he Road 填介词It's ()Huang he Road 填介词 急.Let's go .中谁是主语,谓语,宾语,.语4楼的那是不是we被省略了呢? 状语从句 省略主语professor salovey suggests that when predicting someone's future success,their charater,as measured by EQ tests,might acturally matter more than IQ.其中predicting省略的逻辑主语是什么? 英语状语从句问题今天上课老师说了一个口诀,有老师也是这么讲的吗,时条方让地,主语同谓语be.两者省略不可惜.从句主语是it,it's省略也可以.希望逐句翻译, 在英语中什么时候,主语可以省略 祈使句通常省略主语you,请举例说明. 主语从句能不能省略引导词that 主语从句中that能否省略 that引导主语从句可省略吗? 省略主语的通常是什么句子? 什么情况下主语可以省略? 在英语一句话中,如果and连接前后的是同一个主语的话,and之后的一个主语是不是可以写出来,或是省略呢?比如说新概念1课文中的两句 不省略and后的主语It's a small blue case and it's got a zip.省略and 前半句出现主语,后半句but后面可以省略主语吗? l wanted what huang mountian's history in the pa Museum of Chin Sh Huang's Buried Sculpture音标