3分钟English国旗下演讲不要Spring is the season .那个要三个年纪都鼓励到的最好呢是 有时代感,很创新语言要酷,短句多,生僻词不要一楼说了自信,给了我灵感,我想把它弄成和自信有关的议论,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 22:15:08

3分钟English国旗下演讲不要Spring is the season .那个要三个年纪都鼓励到的最好呢是 有时代感,很创新语言要酷,短句多,生僻词不要一楼说了自信,给了我灵感,我想把它弄成和自信有关的议论,
不要Spring is the season .那个
Good morning my teachers and schoolmates:
My topic today is to believe yourself.It's a topic we've talked about already,but before the speech,let me explain.有人说在自己的国旗下用别人的语言发表演讲破坏了中国升旗仪式的传统规矩,可我的观点是:英语不过是一种工具,就像是升国旗用钢丝还是用麻绳,本质没有影响,当今中国社资都可以并存,只要以公有制为主体,资不大于社就可以了,结果也证实了此做法的正确性.既然可以古为今用就可以洋为中用,关键不是英语,而是国旗下的讲话是不是真正起到了教育的效果.So...

3分钟English国旗下演讲不要Spring is the season .那个要三个年纪都鼓励到的最好呢是 有时代感,很创新语言要酷,短句多,生僻词不要一楼说了自信,给了我灵感,我想把它弄成和自信有关的议论,
Dear teachers and schoolmates:
Good morning!
My Wikipedia topic today is to believe yourself!
When a child was given birth to the earth, he has held a brand-new world; when he started to learn how to speak and walk, he conquered the hardness to welcome each beautiful day! Today, I prefer to persuade you: “Believe yourself without looking yourself down.”
For each person, only accumulation and anneal can make one grow up gradually. Difficulties can be as a mounting stone to the winners before departure; affliction can make the people with inflexible will not change their mind, but to the people with passive attitude. It would be better to wipe your tears, be filled with energy and smile at everyday life!
So many excellent people has ever given examples to us, like Marie Curie was awarded Nobel Prize two times, Zhang Haidi who has got paraplegia could translate English novels, work hard on learning Japanese and German, all of them let us know the same motto: Energy can be produced by fighting spirit. We can reach the top of success with making great effort!
Human beings create roads in the world, so please don’t look down on yourself any more. Show your ideas bravely in your classes although it can make you stutter, and you will stride your bright future with brave behavior even if your methods are not correct. It’s no way for us to be marvelous permanently without any experience of failure.
Mid-term examination has already passed, however, knowing the depth of the river, it makes us be full of more confidence. Believe yourself and your true tomorrow, we should remember that no rivers can be waded across in the world.
People in 21 century should be confident, be enterprising,be diferent form the others and be innovative! All my fellow friends: Please rapidly develop our abilities to face our future, constantly strive to become stronger and challenge any difficulty vigorously!A terrific beautiful tomorrow can be counted with fresh flowers, laughter and applause!
Thank you!


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