帮忙编一个两人英语小对话.imagine yourself to be Albert and the manager of the hotel.Albert complains to the manager about things he doesn't like in the hotel.Make sure you do it politely.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 13:39:22

帮忙编一个两人英语小对话.imagine yourself to be Albert and the manager of the hotel.Albert complains to the manager about things he doesn't like in the hotel.Make sure you do it politely.
imagine yourself to be Albert and the manager of the hotel.Albert complains to the manager about things he doesn't like in the hotel.Make sure you do it politely.

帮忙编一个两人英语小对话.imagine yourself to be Albert and the manager of the hotel.Albert complains to the manager about things he doesn't like in the hotel.Make sure you do it politely.
(Electronic facilities are out of order)
Manager:Room Service Department, how may I help you?
Albert:Yes, there is nothing on my TV screen after I turn it on.
M:We are sorry about that. We will send the maintenance technician over right away.
(The maintenance technician is at the room)
M:Excuse me, I’m here to check your TV.
A:Great. Please come in.
M:It looks like the plug is loosened.
A:Oh, ok.
M:The picture quality of this TV is very good. There should be no problem with it.
A:Thank you.
M:You are welcome. Sorry for the inconvenience.
(Complain about the noise caused by the next-door guest.)
M:Room Service Department, how may I help you?
Albert:Sorry, the next-door guest(s) is (are) very noisy.
M:We are sorry, a staff member will go check immediately.
Albert:Sorry to cause you trouble.
(The hotel staff is talking to the next-door guests)
M: I’m sorry, some guests are complaining that it is too noisy over here. Could you please keep it down?
Guest at the next door: Oh, sorry.
M: I’m sorry, some guests are complaining that it is too noisy over here, can you keep the volume down?
G: Sure, no problem.
M: Sorry, would you please close the door?
G: Sure, no problem.

Imagine that one person is Albert, the other is the manager of a hotel. Albert wishes to complain to the hotel manager about things he has been dissatisfied with during his stay. Albert should be po...


Imagine that one person is Albert, the other is the manager of a hotel. Albert wishes to complain to the hotel manager about things he has been dissatisfied with during his stay. Albert should be polite as he complains.
One person is Albert, the other is a hotel manager. Albert is unhappy with the hotel, and wishes to complain, but must do so politely.


At the hotel- dialog
Good afternoon.
Good afternoon Madame. How can I help you?
I would like a double room with a bathroom.
Wait a moment, please. Yes, we...


At the hotel- dialog
Good afternoon.
Good afternoon Madame. How can I help you?
I would like a double room with a bathroom.
Wait a moment, please. Yes, we may offer you a room like that.
I also would like it to be on the first floor.
Hmm, unfortunately there are no vacancies on the first floor. But I suggest that you take the one on the second floor, at the back, whose windows overlook the mountains.
That sounds fine. Is there a balcony in this room?
Yes, of course.
Will I have any noisy neighbors?
No, there lives only one older couple in a room next to yours.
Is there the air condition in my room?
Of course. Moreover there is a telephone, radio and a TV set.
How long is the room service available?
All day and night. But you can order a hot meal only till 11 PM. And breakfast is included in the price.
That sounds great.
Can I ask, who are you saying with at the hotel?
I am staying all by myself, but I like much space that is why I take double room.
Yes, of course.
How much will it cost?
It is 60 pounds per night.
Fine. May I go and see my room then?
Yes, Mike will show you the way.
R E K L A M A czytaj dalej ↓
Well, the room is really nice and seems comfortable. I will stay there.
Fine. Could you fill in the registration form?
And I would like to see our IC or passport.
Of course. Is it necessary to write my phone number in the form? I don't like giving it to anyone.
If you don't, it makes no problem.
And what is my room's number?
It is 10. Here is the kea.
And what about my car? Where is the parking?
The porter may take you to the garage. He will bring the keas back and tell you, where the car stands.
Fine. And what about my bags?
Mike will take it to the room.
Could you call me at 6:30 in the morning? I need to wake up and I always have problems with that.
Of course. Do you expect any guests tonight?
No I don't. Could I have breakfast delivered to my room?
Sure. At what time?
A quarter after seven.
Ok. If you needed anything more, please call me.
I will. Oh, and where is the swimming pool and sauna?
It is in the basement. There is also a cocktail bar.
And where can I find Internet café?
It is on the first floor, just under your room.
Ok. Only one more thing- I want to order a bottle of champagne.
The room service will bring it to you in 5 minutes.
Thank you very much
You are welcome.
Good evening.
Good evening Mrs. Stone. What can I do for you?
I want to send a fax for the number 422-35-78 in Krakow, Poland.
Sure. Oh, and there is a message for you.
Really? What is it?
Mr. Smith called and said that he will be waiting for you in lunch time at the café in our hotel.
Oh, that is nice. Thank you.
Hello Mrs. Stone. Are you leaving today?
Yes I am. I want to ask, how much will I have to pay for the hotel and all services?
One moment, please. It all makes 1000 pounds.
Oh, that is quite much. And I didn't have hot water for one night.
Oh, yes, I remember that. That will be 50 pounds less.
And the swimming pool was closed for whole three days.
Well, we could do nothing about it. The pump broke down and it takes much time to repair it.
But the hotel's headmaster said that the guests will pay less because of that.
Wait a moment… Oh, yes, I am sorry I forgot about that. So all in al you are to pay 800 pounds.
Ok. Do you accept credit cards and checks?
Yes. How are you going to pay then?
With the card. Here it is.
Yes. Can you sign this receipt, please?
Yes. And could you order a taxi for me?
Sure. What time are you going to leave?
In one hour. I am almost ready and my plane takes off at 4 PM.
Ok. I will call the taxi. And may I ask you, where are you going now?
Oh, I am going to visit my friend in California. I am quite nervous about the flight, because it is going to be very long and tiring.
So don't forget to take a hot bathe before you leave.
I will, thank you.
And remember- anytime you visit Manchester, you are welcome to our hotel
Thank you very much. I really enjoyed staying here.
Thank you too. And good bye.




Manager:Good afternoon,sir.
Albert:Good afternoon.
M(manager):Do you live well in our hotle?
A(Albert): Yes, most of things are ok.
M: Oh, so, is there anything that makes you uncomfor...


Manager:Good afternoon,sir.
Albert:Good afternoon.
M(manager):Do you live well in our hotle?
A(Albert): Yes, most of things are ok.
M: Oh, so, is there anything that makes you uncomfortable,sir?
A:Well, yes, actually there are something that i think could do better.
M:Er, what are they? I'd like to listen to your advice.
A: I think some of the waiters in the hotel should be qualified,and if the dishes can taste more delicious, it will be wonderful.
M: Well, thans for your suggestion. We will improve our service and our dishes. We will try our best to satisfy our costomers. Thank you, sir.
A: Oh, you are welcome. I believe you can do a better job.


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