
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 15:28:15


Hopefully,one day I can communicate with you smoothly/easily/casually.If such a day comes,then I'll continuously talk to you without stopping from morning till night.
英语是 我的第一语言~

I'd really want to communicate with you fluently. If there is such a day, I must talk to you without any break, forever.

I do hope that I can communicate with you fluently one day.If that day comes,I would keep talking with you from morning till night.


I hope I can talk with you fluently ,I will talk to you ceaselessly if I can do this one day.

I really wish one day that I could communicate with you without any problems. When that day comes, I will talk to you nonstop, from morning to night.

I wish I could communicate with you fluently one day.
If this day really come
I will do eveything I can to talk to you,day and night

Relly hopes that one day I can talk with you fluently, if it comes, I'll non-stop to talk with you for whole day.

Really hope that one day, and you are fluent in communication, if that day comes, I have to do stop and talk to you, comes from the early evening.这个绝对没错

I wish to communicate with you fluently someday.If it happens ,I will
talk with you without any break from day and night.

Really hope that one day, and you are fluent in communication, if such day, I have to do stop and talk to you, comes from the early evening.

i hope one day we can communicate fluently ,if so ,i will speak with you all the time ,from morning to night.

英语翻译真希望有一天能够很流利的和你沟通,如果有这样的一天,我一定要做到不停的和你说话,从早说到晚. 我现在真的是零基础,已经上班但特别希望能够快速提升英语水平,我很有信心能够在两年内达到流利的水平 英语翻译:希望你回到美国以后能够开心幸福,也希望自己有一天能在美洲的土地上再次遇见你. 怎么才能说出一口流利的英语我看了好几届的CCTV10的英语风采之星大赛,看到和我年龄一样的选手,能够流利的讲出英语,我真的很羡慕,也很希望自己能达到那样的水平, 如何让提高自己的英语口语与听英语的能力我喜欢学英语,我想做一名英语翻译,能够熟练地掌握英语,讲流利的口语,但不知道从何学起,我希望专业的你能给我很具体的建议和计划,万分感谢了. Stephanie,你的英文名字是什么?Stephanie,我希望有一天,你在看到这题时,能够回答我 英语翻译十分愉快刚刚与你的电话沟通,我们非常希望能够参与明年的竞标,还请麻烦告知HP总部的联系人或联系方式, 英语翻译本人今年刚毕业,英语过八级,口语流利,善于沟通,想在泉州市区找一份五天八小时的和英语相关的工作,希望可以提供住宿. 希望有一天认识你!用英语翻译 英语翻译每个人都有自己的梦想,希望有一天能够实现. 如果我的离开,能够换取你的幸福,我愿意放弃,只希望你能够明白,我是真心爱过你!……求英语翻译 英语翻译我希望将来有一天能和你一起看夕阳下的纽约,这句话英文怎么讲? 英语翻译希望有一天能和Lucy结婚! 如果有一天你真的离开我,你要我怎么办.这句话的英语翻译 想提高口语水平,暑假到哪进修好?能够很流利地道,希望大家热心的推荐一下, 英语翻译,我真的希望走进你的生活,和你一起发现这个世界的美好. 怎样能够说一口流利的英语.和外国人顺便交流.我的英语水平很低. 读MBA需要你的英语真的流利吗?