英语句子的意思并分析原因和句子成分He wisely refused to spend his own money.请帮忙写出句意,分析句子成分,也就是你的句意是如何来的。重点分析wisely修饰的是refused还是refused to spend his own money.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 23:28:25

英语句子的意思并分析原因和句子成分He wisely refused to spend his own money.请帮忙写出句意,分析句子成分,也就是你的句意是如何来的。重点分析wisely修饰的是refused还是refused to spend his own money.
He wisely refused to spend his own money.请帮忙写出句意,分析句子成分,也就是你的句意是如何来的。重点分析wisely修饰的是refused还是refused to spend his own money.不好意思,前面的回答都没有满意的,那就请后来的paraphrase一下吧

英语句子的意思并分析原因和句子成分He wisely refused to spend his own money.请帮忙写出句意,分析句子成分,也就是你的句意是如何来的。重点分析wisely修饰的是refused还是refused to spend his own money.
句子的主干是he refuse to do.refuse to do 是拒绝做什么事情的意思,wisely是副词,只能修饰动词或者形容词.如果它要修饰的是这件事情,wisely可以放在句首:Wisely,he refused to spend his own money.或者He was wisely refusing to spend his own money.

他明智地拒绝花自己的钱。主语是:he 谓语是:reufuse to spend 宾语是:his own money

他没有浪费自己的钱去买不需要的东西。这个句子不能直译,好像是08年专四的试题。这个句子可以这样理解He was short of money and didn't want to buy anything.

to spend...是refused的补语。

英语句子的意思并分析原因和句子成分He wisely refused to spend his own money.请帮忙写出句意,分析句子成分,也就是你的句意是如何来的。重点分析wisely修饰的是refused还是refused to spend his own money. what he did has added to out difficulties.这个句子里面OUT是什么意思?还有分析句子成分...还有句子的中文意思分析是意思和语法相结合分析... 请帮我分析一下这些英语句子成分、并判断属于哪种句子结构.,对于英语的 句子成分 ,我实在是 不懂 .,并 怎么分析 英语句子和属于哪种句子结构 .This is an apple tree .Father returned home yesterday.Tea 英语,分析句子成分:He lives in London 分析英语句子成分,Then he put a piece of cheese in his pocket and went away .句子的主谓宾状分别是那些帮忙分析下, 分析英语句子成分是不是最重要的是分析出句子的结构吖 好像 He is at home home是at的宾语 但不是句子的宾语 英语高手进:英语长句改错及句子结构分析But in the last several years,there's been a revolution in that we've learned about reading and dyslexia.这是一个错误的句子,请改错.并说明原因及句子成分分析.that改成w 分析”He can swim ”的句子成分 suddenly he heard the door opened分析句子成分,并说明过去分词的用法. suddly he heard her opening the door 分析句子成分,并说明现在分词的用法. 分析英语句子成分是不是一定要按照句子的结构分析吖 帮忙分析一下这个句子的句子成分He became mad after that 给我五个句子并分析句子成分与词性 有谁能提供一个句子,用英语和汉语分别分析一下句子成分, 求一句话的句子成分分析和意思句子:The book of Numbers describes him as very meek,above all the men which were upon the face of the earth. 请问引号中的话的句子成分和意思是什么? 高一英语分析一下句子成分,what he is today 是made的宾补吗? 求he is to leave for...的句子成分分析另外这是不是主系表结构?和 it is adj. to do 表示的意思一样吗? 英语复合句的句子成分 如何分析