
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 12:06:40


I will emphasize on building a marketing team. Marketing department in a small business is quite often understaffed. The owner himself usually attacks the market right from the beginning, and for quite awhile he'll manage to get customers and orders solely based on his own personal charm and the network he's built up. As competition heats up, business owners will be less available to battle in the line of fire himself, that can't even fully support further development of the business. Unfortunately, many small businesses failed to recognize the importance of marketing, some without even a marketing department. Business can't grow if building a marketing team is neglected.
I will pay attention to human resources management. Human resource has been a very hot topic for corporate management in recent years. At the present time some small business have yet to be keen on training their manpower, even ignore the importance of recruiting. This is quite a mistake, because employee is a very important resource for the business, especially in the rapid developing society of the 21st century. Talented people are the foundation for sustainable growth in any business, thus we must stress on effective management of human resources.
In the company, I will set up a better organization structure. No matter how small the enterprise is, a comparatively complete organization structure is also necessary. If the enterprise has a good organization structure, then it can equip the talents in every position by setting up relevant standards in order to allow everybody to fully show their talents. Many most successful companies in the world have decided a company's department, position and personnel requirements when being set up. Why can McDonald dominate the fast food industry? Even the time for roasting the hamburger also has its standard. So those who make the hamburger should of course clearly know what characters are needed.

英语翻译要有明确的发展目标.市场变化是迅速的,如果不能够长远打算,迟早会被挤出市场.因此小企业要想获得规模上的拓展,企业主一定需要明确自己的经营的目标,深入的分析自己在一个行 英语翻译要有明确的发展目标.市场变化是迅速的,如果不能够长远打算,迟早会被挤出市场.因此小企业要想获得规模上的拓展,企业主一定需要明确自己的经营的目标,深入的分析自己在一个行 人定胜天一定可以只要有明确的目标与毅力 在《中国保险业发展“十二五”规划纲要》中明确指出,以下不属保险中介市场变革的是( )选项A:保险中介市场进一步开放引入外部竞争者选项B:转变发展方式,实现保险中介的专业化、市场 在《中国保险业发展“十二五”规划纲要》中明确指出,以下不属保险中介市场变革的是( )选项A:保险中介市场进一步开放引入外部竞争者选项B:转变发展方式,实现保险中介的专业化、市场 明确目标,树立远大理想的英语翻译是什么? 英语翻译1.要有明确的目标,知道自己想要什么,想做什么.2.要有足够的信心去实现自己的目标3.要成功必须加倍努力,而且要比别人更努力.4.要能够坚持 目标是怎么规划的?我没有明确的向往. 形容目标明确的成语 关于明确目标的名人名言 微机电系统压力传感器的市场发展将如何变化? 急需一份个人英语学习计划!标题自拟;格式规范,目标具体明确,步骤、措施详细可行;不少于300字.要有标题、前言、目标、步骤与措施.我想要的是应用文写作中的英语学习计划,要有应用文 要求:1.设定学业和发展目标.2.自我评估.3.制定方案.(把目标分解成若干小目标,明确步骤和时间,提出实现的具体措施和方法)4.及时调整和反思.(计划不如变化,最初目标的设定都比较理想 班级建设新的发展目标是 英语翻译财务管理目标是企业财务管理活动的出发点和归宿,明确财务管理目标是我们做好财务管理工作的前提和基础.科学地设置财务管理最优目标,对优化理财行为,实现财务管理的良性循环 谈谈市场细分、目标市场和市场定位的关系 我的发展目标 明确财务会计的目标有何意义?