英语周报 综合复习 2012-2013学年(下)的答案

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英语周报 综合复习 2012-2013学年(下)的答案
英语周报 综合复习 2012-2013学年(下)的答案

英语周报 综合复习 2012-2013学年(下)的答案
语音 1-5CCDBC
1.right now/ at once
2.live on
3.many a week
4.find interesting
5.at work
6. running in rings
7. break the rules
8. stone deaf
9. knock on/knock at
10. blew away
1. hers
2. his
3. ours
4. theirs
5. mine
6. Its
7. his
8. yours
9. ours
10. his
1. ones
2. one
3. one
4. ones
5. ones
6. ones
7. one
8. one
三、1. What
2. Who
3. Whose
4. Which
5. How
6. why
7. When
8. Where/
四、1-5 BDABC
词汇 1. sharp
2. boring
3. hate
4. bites
5. lively
6. generous
7. patient
8. broke
9. interesting
10. presents
1. are mine
2. Whose mother is
3. Who did travel
4. is not the same as
5. found it difficult to learn
单项选择 1-5CDCAB 6-10DCBCC
语法选择 11-15ACBCA 16-20DBBCD
完形填空 21-25ABDAB 26-30DABCD
阅读理解 31-35CDACA 36-40BCBCB
单词拼写 41.present 42.blew 43.helpful 44.prize 45.guide
完成句子 46.was,trip to
47.all right 48.is similar to 49.right now 50.at work
1.not to put
2.Turn/Switch off
3.is made up of
4.turn/change into
5.take a shower/bath
6. pump into
7. brush our teeth
二、1. in the first place
2. Believe it or not
3. break up
4. shook her head
5. cleans up
6. turned into
7. comes out of
8. drives crazy
一、1-5 ACBDC
6-10 DCABB
二、1. a little
2. a few
3. any some
4. much
5. some
6. a little
7. a few
8. many
many - much
egg - eggs
few - little
many - much
much - many
一、1. valuable
2. broken
3. owner
本篇文章来源于突袭网[www.tuxi.com.cn] 原文链接:http://www.tuxi.com.cn/888-9118-91187619.html