英语翻译Israel's Prime Minister Shimon Peres is in Washington D.C.this week to confer with high-level US officials.His visit follows hissummit with Egyptian President Mubarak last week.This afternoon,the Israeli leader and President Reagan met at

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 10:39:06

英语翻译Israel's Prime Minister Shimon Peres is in Washington D.C.this week to confer with high-level US officials.His visit follows hissummit with Egyptian President Mubarak last week.This afternoon,the Israeli leader and President Reagan met at
Israel's Prime Minister Shimon Peres is in Washington D.C.
this week to confer with high-level US officials.His visit follows his
summit with Egyptian President Mubarak last week.This afternoon,
the Israeli leader and President Reagan met at the White House.
NPR's Elizabeth Colton reports.
Israel's Peres comes to Washington only weeks before he is
scheduled to step down from the Prime Minister's post and exchange
roles with the current Foreign Minister,Yitzhak Shamir.This rota-
tion was arranged two years ago as part of Israel's coalition national
unity government.But what was expected to be little more than a
farewell visit for Prime Minister Peres has now taken on a new im-
portance because of Peres' recent achievements towards bringing
peace between Israelis and Arabs.At the White House this afternoon
President Reagan said that the Middle East peace process was the
major topic for discussion.And he praised Prime Minister Peres' ef-
forts in that direction.
'We noted favorable trends in the Middle East,not just the
longing for peace by the Israeli and Arab peoples,but constructive
actions taken by leaders in the region to breathe new life into the
peace process.No one has done more than Prime Minister Peres to
that end.His vision,his statesmanship,and his tenacity are greatly
appreciated here." President Reagan said that other items on the
agenda of his meeting with Prime Minister Peres were American
economic aid to Israel,international terrorism,and Soviet Jewry.
The President assured the Israeli leader that the plight of Soviet
Jewry will remain an important topic in all the talks between the US
and the Soviets.I'm Elizabeth Colton in Washington.

英语翻译Israel's Prime Minister Shimon Peres is in Washington D.C.this week to confer with high-level US officials.His visit follows hissummit with Egyptian President Mubarak last week.This afternoon,the Israeli leader and President Reagan met at
以色列总统西蒙·佩雷斯在来华盛顿之前的几周,按计划,辞去了总统的职务,和现在的外交部长伊扎克 ·沙米尔互换了一下角色.作为以色列联合政府的一部分,这种转换两年前就计划好了.由于西蒙·佩雷斯在促进以色列和阿拉伯的之间的和平的问题上,最近取得了很大的成就,对于他的期望,不仅仅是对美国一次友好的访问,他的身上肩负起新的重任.今天下午在白宫,美国总统里根表示,中东地区的和平进展是商讨的主要问题.同时,他肯定了总统西蒙·佩雷斯为此做出的努力.

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