英语翻译2.1封建旧生活与文艺复兴新生活的矛盾冲突带给主人公的道德冲突 .  罗密欧与朱丽叶生存的时代虽然处于中世纪封建统治的时期,但在这个追求个性解放、思想自由的人文主义

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 14:40:36

英语翻译2.1封建旧生活与文艺复兴新生活的矛盾冲突带给主人公的道德冲突 .  罗密欧与朱丽叶生存的时代虽然处于中世纪封建统治的时期,但在这个追求个性解放、思想自由的人文主义
2.1封建旧生活与文艺复兴新生活的矛盾冲突带给主人公的道德冲突 .

英语翻译2.1封建旧生活与文艺复兴新生活的矛盾冲突带给主人公的道德冲突 .  罗密欧与朱丽叶生存的时代虽然处于中世纪封建统治的时期,但在这个追求个性解放、思想自由的人文主义
1 the feudal old and Renaissance new life conflict brings the hero of moral conflict.Romeo and Juliet survival times while in the middle period of feudal rule,but in the pursuit of individuality liberation,the freedom of thought humanism idea development era,people began with decadent feudal rule of the fierce struggle.The hero of the play romeo and Juliet,first of all in the face of contradictory is subservient to the feudal traditional or pursue love life bravely.Pursue love life,means that the violation has,to the traditional; Give up love life,means to bear life without love.Influenced by the zeitgeist of romeo and Juliet chose resolutely to attitude and brave spirit of sacrifice to defend the dignity of the human nature and freedom,to pursue their own a pure and beautiful love.However,they choose a new life as a result,the inevitable by the feudal oppression and exclusion.Works of tybalt's provocations,capulet forced marriages and other means a kind of the oppression of feudal forces to their love life.In the face of such oppression,as romeo realized before death,they face is not a family,but this "evil century",is full of decayed feudal consciousness,is full of prejudice.2.2 two families caused conflict between the protagonist's moral conflict in "romeo and Juliet",the feudal feudal is represented on both sides of the family.The two protagonists are born in the Italian city of verona two noble family; Both capulet and montague family,it will not allow their children to pursue freedom of marriage.And,the two wealthy aristocrat capulet and montague,have long feud,two years to make enemies,fight each other,regard each other as an enemy; Meet by chance in the street did cause of duels,let alone stand for their own offspring between the sincere love.Can say that their family conflict moment is in an incompatible will explode.The second of two hero meets moral conflict is to maintain the family dignity and moral conflicts of the pursuit of love.Fell victim to the pair of feudal family hatred in pursuing love life on the road,not only suffering from decay of the feudal ethics,but also met from domestic oppression.In this work,both romeo and Juliet in the process of pursuit of love,the heart is always full of maintaining the family dignity or pursue love life contradiction and struggle.
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英语翻译2.1封建旧生活与文艺复兴新生活的矛盾冲突带给主人公的道德冲突 .  罗密欧与朱丽叶生存的时代虽然处于中世纪封建统治的时期,但在这个追求个性解放、思想自由的人文主义 以旧生活,新生活为主题的作文怎么写 文艺复兴运动反封建吗? 英语翻译英文翻译:期待新生活 欧洲的文艺复兴和思想启蒙运动的共同点是什么1,都反封建.2,都以古罗马文化展开运动.二选一 文艺复兴时反对封建专制吗? 怎样区别16世纪英国封建旧贵族和与资本主义有密切联系的新贵族? 下列关于英、法、美三国早期资产阶级革命爆发的相似原因是哪一个( )1、封建专制统治与民主要求相矛盾2、封建压迫激起民族意识和反抗3、农民迫切希望得到土地4、旧的生产关系已经严重 关于文艺复兴与宗教复习文艺复兴的时候看到两句好像自相矛盾的话“文艺复兴时期的思想家们还不能公开否定宗教神学”和“文艺复兴的矛头直指封建神学”我现在都迷糊了.这两句话不是 文艺复兴反教会还是反封建 文艺复兴反教会还是反封建反封建是不是等于反专制 英语翻译“创造健康新生活”10分! 文艺复兴运动和启蒙运动是欧洲历史上两次思想解放运动…谢谢了,文艺复兴运动和启蒙运动是欧洲历史上两次思想解放运动.1、两次运动产生的根源有何相同之处?2、启蒙运动与文艺复兴相 文艺复兴性质是反封建还是反教会 文艺复兴的是在哪个领域的反封建活动? 为什么说文艺复兴是反封建的?为什麽呢? 巴金小说《家》判断题巴金小说《家》中的觉新,在旧家庭中是个暮气沉沉的大少爷.与觉慧等年轻人在一起时,他又是一个渴望新生活的青年.他是封建制度的继承者,也是封建制度的破坏者. 写一篇关于初中新生活的作文,是新生活,不是生活,我急,500字左右 启蒙运动与文艺复兴思想主张不同之处在于A反对封建专制,倡导建立法治社会 B倡导自由 C反对天主教会神学 D是资本主义发展的产物