
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 10:34:30

一个人踩到糕点,全家都争先承认自己的疏忽,那种互相体谅,彼此关怀的情谊,好 令人感动啊!至于糕点能不能吃,似乎已经不是很重要了.

今天我所讲的美德是体贴.The virtue in question today is about care and empathy (注:“体贴”无法以单一英语词汇形容,要看情况而定)
体贴在现代汉语词典中的意义是 The definition of empathic concern in modern Chinese is
对别人的心理或情况进行了解并予以关心和照料,the care and attention rendered towards others upon understanding his feelings and circumstance
细心揣度别人的心情和处境,给予关切,照顾.delicately conjecturing and offering concern afterwards
事实上,In reality
一个体贴的人,an empathetic person
在日常生活中往往能更快地获得大家的尊重,earns the respect of others quickly
在一个团队抑或是一个集体中,within a team or organization
体贴的人也是必不可少的.an empathetic character is indispensable
有这么一个故事:There runs such a story
一户人家在过年前准备糕点,A family was preparing pastries before New Year
忙了大半天总算大功告成,eventually completing the colossal task
媳妇把它放在厨房的地上晾干.the daughter-in-law airs the pastries on the kitchen floor.
没想到先生回来,一不留神,一脚踩到了糕点.The husband returns home oblivious to the pastries,stepped onto it.
先生缩回沾满糕点的脚后,很难为情地对四周一脸惋惜的家人说:Retracting his foot in embarrassment,he apologized profusely
“非常抱歉,我实在太不小心了!” for being exceptionally careless.
他的妹妹立即接腔说:His sister interjected offering an escape,
“是我不好!刚刚我进来时也差点踩到,当时我如果把它移开就好了.” "I could've moved it when I sidestepped it earlier on"
在旁的媳妇连忙说:The onlooking wife interrupted hastily with yet another self-blaming excuse
“哎呀,是我不对,糕饼做好,我应该拿到合适的地方晾干,就不会发生这种事了.” "I should've placed the pastries in a better place to air and all these could've gone away"
这是婆婆也说话了:Now,is was mother's turn
“原本厨房的灯事开着的,我为了省电才关起来,反而造成更大的损失.” "I though turning the lights off could save us some energy,look at what happened!"
没想到这是公公也开口拦下了这个错误:Finally,Father stepped in
“不不不!我进厨房很多次了,早改想到有人进来会踩到糕饼,我事先做一些防范就好了!” "I should've foreseen this getting in and out of the kitchen and did something"
一个人踩到糕点,One family member commits a mistake
全家都争先承认自己的疏忽,the entire family stands ready to admit it upon themselves individually
那种互相体谅,彼此关怀的情谊,好 令人感动啊!It is truly touching upon appreciating the sympathy,care and understanding demonstrated between them.
至于糕点能不能吃,似乎已经不是很重要了.As to the pastries,it is no longer material.
如果先生一踩到糕点就破口大骂:Had the husband vociferated after ruining the pastries
你想事情会如何收场?what would you think the ending be?
我们大多数人在异乡为生机奔波操劳,Most of us are engrossed in the ruse of daily living
常常很浮躁很苦闷.enduring pent up frustrations.
其实我们改变不了生活境遇,We can't change the environment
却完全可以改变自己的心态,不是吗?but,instead,are in full control of our attitude.Isn't it?
因为那样不是向生活妥协,It is not about compromising towards life
只是为了让自己过得轻松一点,快乐一点.but to lavish ourselves a composed and relaxed,happier life.
这就是体贴的真正意义.Such,is the true essence of empathy and care.

Today I speak of virtue is considerate. In modern Chinese dictionary considerate to others the meaning is the psychological or situation and make concern and care about others, careful wonder mood and...


Today I speak of virtue is considerate. In modern Chinese dictionary considerate to others the meaning is the psychological or situation and make concern and care about others, careful wonder mood and situation, give concern, care. In fact, a considerate person, in daily life often can more quickly get the respect, in a team or is a collective, considerate person is also essential.
With such a story:
A family on New Year's preparation pastry, busy big finally accomplished, daughter-in-law put it on the kitchen floor to dry.
Didn't expect sir back, one not careful, one feet stepped in pastry. Sir retract, after the foot with cakes of nervous around a face of regret family said: "I'm very sorry, I was too careless!"
His sister immediately JieQiang saying, "I am not good! Just when I came in, I also almost stepped on, at that time if I move it."
In the daughter-in-law hurriedly say: "oh, I am wrong. Well, I should get bakery dry, appropriate places won't happen."
This is her mother-in-law also spoke: "originally kitchen light things open, I to omit report just locked up, they cause more damage."
I didn't think of that is father-in-law also openings stopped this error: "no! No! I into the kitchen many times, early to think that some people will trample in pastry, I had to do some prevention good!"
A man stepped on pastry, family are scrambling admits that his negligence, the consideration for each, each other care friendship, good sensational! As for pastry can eat, seem to have been not very important.
If sir a trample a pastry is swearing: "why, who put stuff on here?"
You think things will be how to end?
Most of us are in a strange, wearing bright rides are often blundering very depressed.
Actually, we can't change the life situation, but can change their mentality, isn't it?
Because it is not to the life compromise, just to let oneself have a light-hearted, happy little.
This is the real meaning of thoughtful.


Today I speak of virtue is considerate. In modern Chinese dictionary considerate to others the meaning is the psychological or situation and make concern and care about others, careful wonder mood and...


Today I speak of virtue is considerate. In modern Chinese dictionary considerate to others the meaning is the psychological or situation and make concern and care about others, careful wonder mood and situation, give concern, care. In fact, a considerate person, in daily life often can more quickly get the respect, in a team or is a collective, considerate person is also essential.
With such a story:
A family on New Year's preparation pastry, busy big finally accomplished, daughter-in-law put it on the kitchen floor to dry.
Didn't expect sir back, one not careful, one feet stepped in pastry. Sir retract, after the foot with cakes of nervous around a face of regret family said: "I'm very sorry, I was too careless!"
His sister immediately JieQiang saying, "I am not good! Just when I came in, I also almost stepped on, at that time if I move it."
In the daughter-in-law hurriedly say: "oh, I am wrong. Well, I should get bakery dry, appropriate places won't happen."
This is her mother-in-law also spoke: "originally kitchen light things open, I to omit report just locked up, they cause more damage."
I didn't think of that is father-in-law also openings stopped this error: "no! No! I into the kitchen many times, early to think that some people will trample in pastry, I had to do some prevention good!"
A man stepped on pastry, family are scrambling admits that his negligence, the consideration for each, each other care friendship, good sensational! As for pastry can eat, seem to have been not very important.
If sir a trample a pastry is swearing: "why, who put stuff on here?"
You think things will be how to end?
Most of us are in a strange, wearing bright rides are often blundering very depressed.
Actually, we can't change the life situation, but can change their mentality, isn't it?
Because it is not to the life compromise, just to let oneself have a light-hearted, happy little.
This is the real meaning of thoughtful
