我觉得是选择B,为什么好多人都选择A呢?1 a C program consists of ________ A) a main program and a number of subroutines B) functions C) a number of subroutines D) A number of procedures

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 18:42:46

我觉得是选择B,为什么好多人都选择A呢?1 a C program consists of ________ A) a main program and a number of subroutines B) functions C) a number of subroutines D) A number of procedures
1 a C program consists of ________
A) a main program and a number of subroutines
B) functions
C) a number of subroutines
D) A number of procedures

我觉得是选择B,为什么好多人都选择A呢?1 a C program consists of ________ A) a main program and a number of subroutines B) functions C) a number of subroutines D) A number of procedures

我觉得是选择B,为什么好多人都选择A呢?1 a C program consists of ________ A) a main program and a number of subroutines B) functions C) a number of subroutines D) A number of procedures 怎么会是选择B呢 我在问问上问了好多 都等于A啊 没有得B的啊 谢理由是什么啊 为什么选A呢 选择until还是unlessDon't get off the bus ( ) it stops.A.until B.unless我个人觉得两者都对都对.为什么答案是A 德语选择一道为什么24题答案选b?我觉得a和c都不能算错. 英语:限定词2We waited_____for the bus.a.long timeb.a long timec.some long timed.the long time为什么选择b而不选择d呢?我觉得如果选d的话是强调一个确定的时间嘛~ 英语:限定词1When we saw his face,we knew _____was bad.a.the newsb.some newsc.a newsd.news为什么选择a而不选择b?我觉得可以是b,因为觉得是“某些消息”. We will stay in the hospital until the boy's mother____.A.reaches B.will come C.arrives D.left我是选择A的,因为我觉得如果是选择 arrive ,就因该在arrive后面加上at.可是答案是选择C.为什么呢? 选择哪个?Children learn best by studying at their own______.A rate B speed C pace D growth标准答案给的是A,rate.但是我觉得C,pace也可以.我上网搜速了一下,好多地方都用的是learn at their own pace.在百度里打上lear ( )today ---a fine day,but yesterday --- rainy. a.was,was b.is was c.was is选择序号,这是考试的一道题,我觉得今天应该已经过去了才能知道天气怎么样哇,为什么同学们都说是is呢?希望各位叔叔阿姨哥哥姐姐 We had a coupIe of weeks _________for the results of the experiment.A.wait.B.to be waiting.C.waited.D.waiting答案选择D,为什么呢?我觉得是have sth.done.或者 have sth.to do选择B 小的感激不尽! 事件A和B满足P(B|A)=1,请选择:(A).A是必然事件.(B).B属于A.(C).A属于B.(D).P(A!B)=0.B是非B的意思)我觉得C,D两个都对的,可是书上说选D,请问下为什么C不对. when it __3__ basketball,football,soccer,and baseball.3.A.refers to B.relates with C.talks about D.comes to选择哪一项呢,我怎么觉得A,C,D都可以呢? 英语翻译好多事情,我都无力选择,只能等待 第1题的第(2)小题,我明明觉得是选择A呀,可是答案是选择B,到底是怎么做出来的呀 根据主视图选择正确的俯视图 那个是对的?我觉得a和c都是对的呢? 一本书放在水平桌面上.下列各对力中,属于平衡力的是:(选择,在下面)A.书受到的重力和桌面对书的支持力;B.书对桌面的压力和桌面对书的支持力; 两个选择哪个对,为什么,我总觉得两个都差 my scottish friend says there is_monster in loch nessa no such thing as b no such a thing as为什么b不可以?我觉得b里的a表示选择范围,为什么是零冠词呢? Look,here.can you ____ the difference?Sorry,I can't A.Know B.watch C.see D.show我觉得答案最好是tell 但是这里没有.那么应该选择哪一个呢?我的同学觉得选D show