
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 14:55:25


Please don't forget your ID card when you're moving to the air port.
I still remember I was feeling terribly down after the first time interview.
In the end,they made up their mind to apologize to the passengers for what had happened in the airport.
I'm really sorry that I completely forgot to help pass the information to(for) Da li.
We stopped working at noon and ate out in a fastfood chain.
I didn't continue the listening about the disaster over the radio,
but I sat still in the chair for this incredible tradegy of human being.

1. Remember that with id card when you go to the airport 2. I remember the first time after a job interview. I'm very disappointed in 3. At last they decided to happened to apologize to the passengers...


1. Remember that with id card when you go to the airport 2. I remember the first time after a job interview. I'm very disappointed in 3. At last they decided to happened to apologize to the passengers at the airport 4. Sorry, I put the big lee's message was forgotten. 5. We stop work at noon, go to a fast food restaurant to eat lunch. 6. I didn't continue to listen to the radio report about the disaster, but due to the extremely shocked still sitting in a chair and couldn't move


Remember to take your ID card when you go to the airport.
I memorized I was very disappointed at the first interview.
Finally they decided to apologize to the passengers for the thing happened...


Remember to take your ID card when you go to the airport.
I memorized I was very disappointed at the first interview.
Finally they decided to apologize to the passengers for the thing happened at the airport.
Sorry,I forgot to tell DaLi the information.
At noon,we stopped working ,and went to have lunch in a fast food restaurant.


1.Please remember to take your ID card when you go to the airport.
2.I remember that i was quite disappointed after my first interview.
3.In the end,they decided to apologize to the passengers...


1.Please remember to take your ID card when you go to the airport.
2.I remember that i was quite disappointed after my first interview.
3.In the end,they decided to apologize to the passengers for what had happened at the airport.
4.I am so sorry for having totally forgotten to pass this message to Dali.
5.In the moon,wo stopped our work to have lunch in a fast food restaurant .
6.I didn't continue to listen to what was reported in the video about this disaster,but i was too shocked to move a step on the chair.


1remember whento go to the airport totake the ID card
2I rememberfirst job interviewafter Ifeel very disappointed
3finally they decided toapologizeto passengersat the airport


1remember whento go to the airport totake the ID card
2I rememberfirst job interviewafter Ifeel very disappointed
3finally they decided toapologizeto passengersat the airport
4sorryforwhat happened,I giveDa Lithe messagethingforgetclean out completely.We stopworkat
5 noon,go toa fast food restaurant to eatlunch
6I didn'tlisten totheradioon the disasterreport,butdue to the extremelyshocked andstillsitting in the chairon themove


英语翻译1.记住去机场的时候带上身份证2.我记得第一次求职面试后我感到非常失望3.最后他们决定为在机场发生的事向乘客道歉4.抱歉,我把给大李传递的信息的事忘得一干二净了.5.中午我们 谁去机场接的你 英语翻译 当你出国的时候,一定要带上身份证.When you go abroad,_ _you take your ID card. “身份证”的英语翻译是什么 已经订了机票直接可以去机场直接拿身份证换登机牌吗? 去机场常用的英文 打的去机场的英文翻译 英语翻译我刚才查询过杭州机场星期六晚上10点有机票,是不是订两张就够了?到时候我将送他们去杭州机场. 英语翻译你知道机场在哪里吗?时间来不及了,我需要去机场接我的表哥 英语翻译1.香港的回归2.渔村3.对……感到太吃惊4.乘机场快车去那儿 英语翻译有机场的城市 考托福都带什么东西?我报名的时候用的身份证,就带一个身份证就可以吧?然后记住自己的ETS注册号就行了是吧?不用打印出来吧? 急求“我有个实验要做,不能去机场接你”的英语翻译 在网上定完飞机票.和去机场,到机场,托运行李箱,取票.在携程网上定的飞机票,在网上能查询到,身份证,电话,名字都填写好了.然后收到了确认短信,我不知道到浦东机场怎么登机,怎么取票啊,拿 luggage 用在机场的时候 英语翻译2 请问你的飞机是明天什么时候到达深圳机场?我会来接你.大致就是明天要去深圳机场接一个老外.但现在要跟他确认时间.希望表达得有礼貌些! 用英语翻译下面两句话,1但是机场离市场区太远了.2我还能在车里带上很多东西. 为什么有些人的身份证上面有英语翻译!